Tag: mia affiliates
Mad in (S)pain
A Q&A with the team members who edit and run Mad in (S)pain: "There must be a radical change in the way mental suffering is understood and cared for."
Mad in Finland
The people who run Mad in Finland have experienced profound awakenings in the course of their lives, moments of awareness when they understood the failures of the psychiatric disease model and saw its harms.
Mad in the UK
Mad in the UK describes its mission as “Fundamentally re-thinking UK mental health practice and promoting positive change.”
Mad in México
Mad in México, which launched in September of last year, exists to make “los abandonados” heard. It aims to amplify those voices, empower them, embolden them.
Mad in the Netherlands
“We had a goal of being a gateway that provides access to international knowledge and information about psychiatry,” said founder and editor Monique Timmermans.