Tag: Native American psychiatric diagnosis

When Healing Looks Like Justice: An Interview with Harvard Psychologist Joseph...

MIAā€™s Ayurdhi Dhar interviews Joseph Gone about how a history of dispossession, conquest, and colonization shapes mental health outcomes in Native American communities.

ā€œThe Miseducation of Frank Walnā€

StudiesĀ of modern Native Americans have shown that ā€œhistorical trauma,ā€ the name that social workers give to the perception of historical loss passed down through...

Study Finds Racial Differences in Psychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment

Black patients are almost twice as likely as their white counterparts to be diagnosed with schizophrenia while whites are significantly more likely to receive a diagnosis of anxiety or depression, according to a recent study published in the journal Psychiatric Services. The researchers also found that the likelihood of receiving psychotherapy for any diagnosis (34%), regardless of race or ethnicity, was much lower than the likelihood of receiving a psychotropic medication (73%).