Tag: schizophrenia without medications
9 Ways to Stop the Next Village Shalom Shooting
If you haven't heard about the Village Shalom shooting yet, it happened. This time it's my own community. So I when I list these 9 ways to stop the next Village Shalom shooting know that I speak with full love and compassion. The main thing I want to share is the real story about mental health. Emotional distress can be temporary and transformative. Recovery can mean, "All this goes away."
I Got a Break from Reality for Christmas!
The more we worry about the separation from reality, the more scared we get and the more separated we get. This month I found out about another trap. When you can see the beauty and spirituality and mystery and magic of what is going on, it's tempting to do things to make it last longer and help yourself get further into it, like skip sleep or skip meals or use drugs. I had to fight those temptations often through this month, and still am, to be honest, because there is so much of this process that was not just scary, but glorious and giganticly interdimensional and impactful.
Entrepreneurs as Mental Health Advocates
I want to keep urging people to move toward the entrepreneurial approaches, because I think they are very powerful and not well understood or trusted in our community. I have chosen to build a business because I think it's one of the best ways I can impact on our world. After looking at the results of different types of advocacy work, this is the pressure point I've found most likely to make a difference.
What To Do With Advocates Who Refuse To Learn About Drug...
I get a lot of ideas from other advocates from online forums like the Alternatives Facebook discussion group, where we have a gathering of about...
Are the Olympics Harder than Mental Health Recovery?
I competed in the 1996 Olympics in Judo before I got sucked into the mental health system. I got sucked in due to a...
The Biochemical Basis for “Mental Illness” – Finally Solved!
I wanted to explain to you the biochemical and genetic and epigentic basis for all "mental illness." I want you to know that I...
The Cause and Solution for Emotional Distress
Hi, I'm Corinna West, a psychiatric survivor. I was very ill one time and now I'm not. That's the short story. The slightly longer...