Tag: self harm

So Long, Psych Meds: Escaping the Medication Maze

There was a time when I could think of nothing else but pills and prescriptions, pain and panic. Psychiatry shrank my world.

Shedding the Limits of “Severe Mental Illness” Labels

When people seeking help are relegated to “the Other,” how can they ever form a “therapeutic alliance”? Without collaboration, treatment devolves into coercion and oppression. We must change our language and relationships so new narratives can be born.

Awakening: Shedding the “Mentally Ill” Identity and Reclaiming My Life

If I had not crumbled, brought to my knees beneath the weight of the misdiagnoses and sordid side-effects of the medications, I would not have had the opportunity to rise up and gain such a strong sense of self—something for which many spend their whole life searching.

Q&A: My Child Is Self-Harming. How Can I Help?

I walked in on my teenaged daughter cutting her upper leg with a razor. I have also noticed multiple cuts and what look like cigarette burns on her wrists and torso. She’s always made excuses about them, but now I realize she has been self-harming for a while. She swears she isn’t suicidal. What’s this all about, and what can I do?

Teen Mental Health Crisis Magnified by Demise of Creative Subjects

From The Conversation: "To thrive emotionally, young people need their own time and space, that is not explicitly directed at particular outcomes. This should...

Why do People Self-Harm? You Asked – Here’s the Answer

In this piece for The Guardian, Jay Watts explores the social and societal factors that often lead to self-harm and explains how psychiatric labeling can exacerbate self-harm. "Self-harm...

The Disturbing Link Between Frequent Nightmares and Suicide

From Science of Us: Over the past few months, multiple studies have linked frequent nightmares to increased risk for both suicidality and self-harm. Article →­

Researchers Find Brief Intervention for Preventing Self-Harm Ineffective

“These interventions also have the potential to increase rumination and negative affect, and potentially self-harm repetition, by serving as unhelpful reminders of negative experiences in the lead-up to the index self-harm event or during hospital treatment.”

Allow Some Mental Health Patients to Self-harm

From The Independent: According to one researcher, some patients on mental health units should be allowed to self-harm. Forcibly stopping patients from engaging in self-harm can...

Finding Clarity Through Clutter

For the last three years, I have been working with people, labeled "hoarders," who have become overwhelmed by their possessions in their homes. This has been some of the most interesting, challenging and thought-provoking work I have ever done. It is also an area that, I think, highlights all of the issues that challenge us in helping people who feel overwhelmed, for whatever reason.