Tag: social media and mental health

The TikTokification of Mental Health on Campus

Many people view their social media feeds as reflections of their identities—and when posts center on a specific diagnosis, it can feel like the platform is diagnosing them.

Autistic People Are Breaking Stereotypes And Connecting Online

From BESE: While several recent articles and blogs have argued that social media can have a negative impact on our mental health, many members of the...

Our Obsession with Wealth and Youth is Making Us Insane

In this interview for Broadly, Lauren Greenfield speaks about her new documentary, "Generation Wealth," which takes a sobering look at our societal addiction to the...

A Likely Culprit for Teen Mental Health Deterioration

From The Conversation: In the five years between 2010 and 2015, U.S. teens' mental health greatly deteriorated. The sudden ascendance of the smartphone is most...

Instagram Worst App for Young People’s Mental Health

From CNN: A British study found that Instagram has a negative effect on young people's mental health, especially on young women's body image. The Royal...

“Instagram Launches New Tool to Offer Mental Health Support”

“Instagram is launching a new tool that allows users to anonymously flag posts about self-harm or other mental health issues. Once a picture is flagged,...

“Study Links Mobile Device Addiction to Depression and Anxiety”

A study published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior found that addictions to mobile devices are linked to anxiety and depression in college students....

“Taking Media Out of Social Occasions”

“Social media’s link to jealousy and depression is well-chronicled,” Kara Baskin writes in the Boston Globe, “and the recent holidays — when all sorts of unsavory emotions bubble forth anyway — amplify it.”