“How We Learned to Stop Worrying About People and Love the Bombing”


For Tom Dispatch, historian Rick Shenkman “explores the biological phenomena that may well underpin our appalling lack of empathy, the animal instincts that allow so many of us to stand by in the face of unspeakable acts,” and “how the stories we tell ourselves and others might offer us a path to overcome our utterly human inhumanity.”

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  1. “biology doesn’t have to dictate our response. Our brains don’t have to stay in the Stone Age. Stories can change us, if we start telling them.”

    I’m quite certain our “leaders” need to move out of the Stone Age, tell your stories, ladies and gentlemen. Mine will start, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” But will also include the fact I was drugged for being disgusted by, and empathetic towards the victims of, 9.11.2001. My brain was not in the Stone Age at that time, but my doctor’s brains apparently were.

    Shame we have a medical community whose brains are no more developed, biologically, than that of the people of the Stone Age. Perhaps it’s time we, as humanity, all work together to evolve collectively?

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