“Nearly one in five high school age boys in the United States and 11 percent of school-age children over all have received a medical diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to new data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” the New York Times reported today on its front page. The figures represent a 53% rise in the past decade, with the prospect of a continued rise as the diagnostic criteria for A.D.H.D. is loosened with the publication of DSM 5.
Of further interest:
Our kids are on too many drugs — and the drug companies win (Salon)
One of the scariest articles ever posted on MIA. While there is some acknowledgement of problems, it reads as if the new DSM will just throw more fuel on an already raging fire. Of course the fire is consuming people we all love and care about.
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These figures make a mockery of any disease being treated here. this in mass druging as social control aided by a profit hungry drugs company
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Why would the quacks ever underplay their hands when nothing ever stops them?
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Rather than drugging children why don’t we begin looking at the boring classes that they’re subjected to in school? Why don’t we begin looking at parents who are too busy working or socializing to take care of their childrens’ needs? Why didn’t we have this “problem” fifty and sixty years ago when I was in school? This is not a disease but a trumped up way for adults to not have to take responsibility for the children in their care, whether they be teachers or parents. An entire generation of people is being destroyed here at the hands of the DSM, psychiatry, and the drug companies.
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