Lawyers for Johnson & Johnson took the stand in Arkansas today, a final effort at convincing the Arkansas Supreme Court to overturn a jury’s award of $1.2 billion for off-label marketing of Risperdal. J&J plans to argue that the award is excessive, and that the company was exercising its right to free speech in promoting the drug. The attorneys general of 35 states have filed a brief urging the court to uphold the verdict.
How this ever got to the state supreme court baffles me. J&J deserves to pay this fine, plain and simple. Exercising their right to free speech my big fat foot!
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We need a return of ethics in business. What corporations are doing is deplorable.
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But remember, our wonderful Supreme Court decided that corporations are people! That ruling opened a huge door for all kinds of corruption and problems to pour through into the business world. You are correct; we need to return ethics in business but I don’t think that’s going to happen. When making a profit at any cost to people is the most important thing then ethics have been thrown right out the window.
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Clear and present danger was a doctrine adopted by the Supreme Court of the United States to determine under what circumstances limits can be placed on First Amendment freedoms of speech, press or assembly…
Lying , breaking rules to sell that Risperdal poison to kids is clear and present danger .
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Legos stamped Risperdal handed out by drug reps
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