An article in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (“the world’s oldest independent scientific monthly in the field of human behavior”) explores “why experienced psychiatrists reached such fundamentally opposing diagnostic conclusions” in the case of Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in Norway in 2011.
One of the reasons is that there is no science at all involved in all of this. It’s a mish mash of convoluted and half baked theories with no foundation in truth or fact but psychiatry and the drug companies present everything as if it is scientific fact. There is no science involved in the diagnostic process in psychiatry. It is all subjective based on what the egos of the supposed “experts” state it to be. It’s been proven that you can go to a number of different psychiatrists and present the same story to them and you’ll get as many different diagnoses as psychiatrists that you consulted. It’s laughable to any of us who’ve been on the receiving end of the process but the general public takes it all as established scientific fact.
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I agree, 100 percent!
In fact, I would take it a step further. Not only is there no science in psychiatry, there is no science in any of the fields that study human behavior. The reason is simple: Human behavior is *unpredictable*.
And this randomness applies across the board. For example, when we least expect it, any person can commit an act of random *kindness*, for reasons that no “expert” can ever fully explain.
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The “Why?” of a crime comes before the facts .
The defendant has to understand the crime he/she is charged with before the trial, the “Why?”.
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Remember Dr. Conrad Murray? He did not understand the crime he was charged with, but the court case still took place.
“I don’t feel guilty because I did not do anything wrong,” Dr. Conrad Murray.
“Not only isn’t there any remorse, there’s umbrage and outrage on the part of Dr. Murray against the decedent, without any, any indication of the slightest involvement in this case.” Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor
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[A PSYCHIATRIC report on Anders Behring Breivik found that the confessed gunman is insane…
“In such instances that the person suffers from such a serious disorder that it would not be warranted to sentence him to prison … he can be ordered to stay in mental health care institutions,” prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh was quoted as saying]
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I read about this before,
“Anders Behring Breivik said psychiatric ward ‘worse than death’
Anders Behring Breivik, the right-wing Norwegian extremist who killed 77 people, has said being sent to a psychiatric ward would be the “ultimate humiliation” and a fate worse than death. ”
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