The foster care agency that was to receive Justina Pelletier has backed away from the idea, according to the Boston Globe, as a result of the contentious nature of the case and the national media attention it has drawn. This opens up the possibility that Justina will return to her family, with oversight conditions – an option that the judge had apparently expressed openness to at last Monday’s hearing. A vigil that had been organized by the Christian Defense Coalition for Saturday outside the foster agency will be held instead outside of the Framingham, MA residential facility in which Justina currently resides.
“Citing unnamed sources, The Boston Globe reported Wednesday that Shared Living Collaborative declined to accept Justina because of the national publicity that the case has received. ”
And no doubt because they have skeletons in their closet. Probably dozens of kids being doped up on neuroleptics and then physically and sexually abused. Why else would national publicity worry a foster care center?
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Foster care = massive drugging
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