Massachusetts State Representatives Marc Lombardo and Jim Lyons have begun to circulate a house resolution calling for the Department of Children and Families to release Justina Pelletier to her parents, citing the agency’s goal of strengthening families and the fact that the parents had been following Tufts’ medical directions in good faith. Meanwhile, the attorney for families that have experienced similar treatment by Boston Children’s Hospital speaks out about BCH’s pattern of such behavior, and speculates about the motivations.
Serious Concerns regarding DCF’s handling of the Justina Pelletier CaseWHEREAS, Lou and Linda Pelletier are the parents of Justina Pelletier and have provided a loving home for their children and in good faith and at the direction of the Chief of Metabolism at Tufts Medical Center, Mr. & Mrs. Pelletier have spent several years treating their daughter for Mitochondrial disease and;
WHEREAS, for the last twelve months Justina Pelletier has been in the care of the Department of Children and Families and her medical condition has deteriorated, and;
WHEREAS, the Department of Children and Families has a stated goal of strengthening the link between families, and government removing children from their parents should occur only in extreme cases where malicious intent, neglect, or the blatant inability to care for the child is present, and;WHEREAS, there has been no finding of malicious intent or blatant inability of the Pelletiers to care for their daughter Justina, and;
WHEREAS, the Massachusetts House of Representatives has serious concerns about the removal of Justina Pelletier from the custody of her family and concerns over the process that led to the breaking up of this family; THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED, the members of the Massachusetts House of Representatives strongly encourage the Department of Children and Families to immediately release Justina Pelletier from their custody and reunite her with her parents AND BE IT FURTHER
Great news!
These are the two Massachusetts state reps behind this house resolution:
Marc Lombardo:
Jim Lyons :
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Send them an email. Thank them!
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Why are hospitals and CPS stealing children from nice families in this country anyway? What is the matter with people? They’ve lost their minds.
I am glad the family is finally getting their daughter back. I hope she is able to make a complete recovery. But the fact this is happening at all is deplorable.
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It is also illegal. The family must be proven to pose a threat of imminent harm to the child. It seems pretty obvious that these parents were loving, concerned, informed parents trying to do the right thing. They were neither intentionally harmful nor neglectful of her needs. She appeared to be functioning well despite her medical issues. It seems it is more about the doctors fighting over their turf than the parents posing any danger. Even if the doctors they consulted with were wrong, the doctors should be held accountable, not the family for seeking out and following the medical advice of a licensed practitioner.
It’s just bizarre and shows how distorted our “mental health” system has become. The bigger shame is that the judge didn’t throw this out at the first hearing. There is no legal grounds for her to be held.
—- Steve
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I agree.
Psychiatry fails to show a “threat of imminent harm” every day.
It has been kidnapping people for years.
What happened to the Constitution?
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I’ve read they’re working on getting rid of the constitution and democracy, in favor of corporate fascism. And a destruction of rights and justice for the masses … Oh, we’re there already!
Yeah, Mass General and your leader, “second only to God,” Biederman. You’ve succeeded in making a mockery of our country. Wow, you must have delusions of grandeur destroying our country to prove you’re powerful, is classy. I think not.
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