A Working Brain computer interface for the paralyzed was on 60 minutes tonight March 26, 2023.
Ugly and bulky as F though . And they did tell the body-brain tends to cover the contact points in a year or two.
The FDA has approved brain interfaces for (DBS) Parkinson’s, and cochlear implants (year 1990), so I would say one branch of the FDA doesn’t know what an other branch is doing?
“The FDA approves VIM-DBS for essential tremor and severe tremor in PD.”year 1996
“The FDA expands indications for DBS, approving its use in the subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus” year 2001″
Elon Musk should say he is working on improving Parkinson’s, and cochlear implants, and “accidentally” find other uses.
without corporal punishment all they have is magical psychiatric medicines to control the elderly who are not obeying orders.
See “over-medicating of seniors in long-term care facilities”.
or “Thousands of patients with dementia in nursing facilities are being overmedicated with psychotropic drugs,”
Bruce Levine says by the pharmaceutic industry numbers alone a certain percentage of the population will go crazy from psychiatry drugs-medicine effects on the brain.
So from day to day we will have dramatic episodes on the news of people losing their minds.
On the slow news we have people who do not have the will or discipline to keep their homes clean (called hoarders), and in both cases the general public calls for MORE psychiatry and their magical medicine to make “bad” people “good”.
IMO the (real) doctors have to tell the psychiatric medicine are just drugs, and people need a fully working brain to think and act correctly. (There is no magic pill.)
Act correctly with discipline, patience, sobriety, kindness, and other good things that an un-drugged brain might chose to do. A drugged brain will have difficulty acting disciplined (cleaning / personal hygiene), being patient, and being kind.
If you want to go to Evil, some evil people want those down and out, to stay down and out (on drugs called medicine) so not to challenge their authority. Those with the gold rule, so maybe without corporal punishment all they have is magical psychiatric medicines to control the (unruly) poor.
You wrote “we do not have a right to die”
We do so have a right to die.
What depends is how fast the suicide is. A slow suicide IS allowed, while a quick one is not.
Slow suicide.
You can eat yourself to overweight and if you have someone to feed you keep eating. Right to keep eating
Drink (alcohol) to excess and keep going. Right to keep drinking
Smoke to excess and keep smoking. Right to keep smoking.
If a person makes a (credible) threat to kill someone, what happens?
from internet….
What Is a Criminal Threat?
A criminal threat involves one person threatening someone else with physical harm or death. To be convicted, the prosecution must prove:
the defendant communicated a threat of harm to another
the defendant intended that the communication be taken as a threat, and
the threat was credible and specific so as to place a person in fear of harm.
So threatening to kill oneself has similar consequences and should first go through the legal system to establish the facts of the case.
A person can’t be free to threaten others or threaten to kill themselves without serious consequence.
This is in conflict with the “please talk about your feelings” advice on thinking suicidal. It puts the person who hears the threat in a difficult position.
Do the crime , do the time. Thinking suicidal should be put back in the closet, no sane being would consider it. Do any animals commit suicide?
I also enjoy this song and it reminds me of the artist
John Lennon’s quote ” Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.”
“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Do big brained animals know they are going to die one day? How do they handle that information?
Everything we do will turn into dirt/burn/dissolve shortly after we are dead.
The only thing we can leave behind ( in the stream of time) are our children, and I have no children.
What is crazy? “It’s not crazy if it works!”
So take that, if someone/something is working, it is not crazy.
What is stupid? “It’s not stupid if it works!”
So take that, if someone/something is working, it is not stupid.
“Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic.” ~ Thomas Szasz, M.D.
Steve wrote “It is baffling to me that they continue to get away with it.”
Pastor Martin Niemöller
“Then they got rid of the sick, the so-called incurables” The second group written in Niemöller’s source text.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
When Pastor Niemöller was put in a concentration camp we wrote the year 1937; when the concentration camp was opened we wrote the year 1933, and the people who were put in the camps then were Communists. Who cared about them? We knew it, it was printed in the newspapers. Who raised their voice, maybe the Confessing Church? We thought: Communists, those opponents of religion, those enemies of Christians – “should I be my brother’s keeper?” Then they got rid of the sick, the so-called incurables. – I remember a conversation I had with a person who claimed to be a Christian. He said: Perhaps it’s right, these incurably sick people just cost the state money, they are just a burden to themselves and to others. Isn’t it best for all concerned if they are taken out of the middle [of society]? — Only then did the church as such take note. Then we started talking, until our voices were again silenced in public. Can we say, we aren’t guilty/responsible? The persecution of the Jews, the way we treated the occupied countries, or the things in Greece, in Poland, in Czechoslovakia or in Holland, that were written in the newspapers. … I believe, we Confessing-Church-Christians have every reason to say: mea culpa, mea culpa!
We can talk ourselves out of it with the excuse that it would have cost me my head if I had spoken out.
There used to be walls on every city to keep the barbarians out.
Today there are no walls.
Everyone must follow orders. The barbarians are inside the city.
This person hears ideas? He/she might not follow orders.
Twelve Monkeys film in my head.
James Cole:
“So now it’s not about the virus at all. It’s about following orders, doing what you’re told.”
I have had “psychotic” delusions, but all is not black and white, you might not be entirely wrong…. or right.
Only when psychotic does a person have certainty. Any educated intelligent person has room in their mind for doubt.
That is the (my) fun and thrill of psychosis , full certainty of truth, of being right.
The delusion of that one is in a reality like the Truman Show movie, is not black and white.
The famous director Alfred Hitchcock said “What is drama, after all, but life with the dull bits cut out.”
Day by day we are producing our own film in our minds. No boring parts? That is a good film.
If you take/make dangerous decisions because you believe you ARE in a film (with no consequences), yes that is ???? stupid maybe?
Psychiatry destroys BOTH male and female, I don’t know why you think male patients do any better than female. That they JUST destroy the female patients is bull.
So there goes your misogyny, if they hate males just as well as female?
I would say psychiatry is a matriarchy not a patriarchy for they do not put people in prison but in a hospital. People are not guilty or responsible for their actions (something a mother would say) because they do not know any better and are not in their right mind.
“The insanity defense, also known as the mental disorder defense, is an affirmative defense by excuse in a criminal case, arguing that the defendant is not responsible for their actions due to an episodic or persistent psychiatric disease at the time of the criminal act.” While a patriarchy would put someone in prison and call it a prison.
“that you can only access welfare if you’ll take a psychiatric diagnosis and take the medication.”
in psychiatry people get help with psychiatry medicine, they’re not controlled or coerced with (no visible violence) poisons.<matriarchy
"He whips out his prescription pad, and he writes out a prescription for Prozac."
It is about selling legal drugs as "medicine" to a willing public. (on the voluntary side of psychiatry)
in the article
“Haldol was supplanted by a new generation of ‘antipsychotics,’ though it remains a drug of choice in emergency rooms”
I used to read the thoughts of emergency room workers on the blog world, and they believe you can NOT give an overdose of Haldol, as no science has reported it to them as being possible. While anecdotally you can read of them giving uncooperative prisoner/patients dose after dose. If the patient dies, they blame it on the patients illegal drug use. Was it the illegal drug? No one will ever know.
You can not write your argument for “feeling suicidal” coherently . First there is a feeling which we both agree. Second is the action. If feeling hungry you can find/ make some food. If feeling thirsty you can find and drink some water. You can not feel the future action of “finding/making some food” you can not feel the future action of “finding/drinking some water” . There IS a step between a feeling and an action.
Sorry I do not believe feelings can be suicidal. Suicide is an complex action. You are misnaming a feeling.
Some feelings are hunger and tired and thirsty. There are possible actions to take if you feel hungry, tired or thirsty.
To say you or other people are feeling suicidal is a lie and a mistake that makes people think there is no way out.
If you listen carefully to professionals talk/write about suicide, they know this truth and say “if you are thinking suicidal” not feeling.
I’m not catholic but I believe the priests can forgive your mistakes or sins (some times you can bribe them with money in the case of a divorce), while psychiatry writes your mistakes or sins down on paper, never to be forgotten. Humans did not have cheap paper until mass production so I don’t know if the Catholic church would have used this device given the chance. In psychiatry Sins/mistakes are forgiven if you take/worship the holy molecules of science, but they are still written down and you may sin again just like you did in the past. Look its written down, so its proof. Squiggly black marks on a white substance…What isn’t fallible?
If you know anything about the metal lead, you know millions have been poisoned by leaded gasoline. So it would have been interesting to know if anyone had the information of the blood lead levels in all these children. As if you have lead in you, your brain, it reduces your intelligence.
Toxic legacy of leaded gasoline https://youtu.be/YmJLPuNFjmA
I don’t understand why so many people use the word “medications” when it is just drugs. Please write the word “psychiatric “, if you are going to write medications. “Psychiatric medications” to be specific because they are not medicines in the traditional penicillin and insulin kind of medicine.
Drugs vs medicine
Whats the correct dose? arbitrary with no measurement tools.
When does it end? never, with no measurement tools.
Do not throw all brain imaging out, as some can prove brain damage and the worsening of brain function. (From WHAT?) Autopsy can prove brain changes to the dopamine transmit-receive functions.
A worsening of brain function would likely mean a stupider “patient” which is the opposite of what the psychiatrist claims they want.
The psychiatrist claims they want the patient to have an insight into their illness.
Found one video of Szasz “Albert Ellis and Thomas Szasz Debate Mental Illness: Primal Scream Therapy” https://youtu.be/l4AwFIVsPE8?t=73
Freedom to worship what you want to worship, but most everyone , lawyers and judges believe the psychiatric drugs are in FACT, medicines.
I blame all the other legitimate (physical science) doctors who go along with psychiatry, but many doctors have severe sadness themselves and seek/take the magical pills of psychiatry.
The planets destruction by the hands of mankind will sort it out one day.
I second this comment that psychiatry is a religion. Thomas Szasz has said as much if you read between the lines of the writings. Why Szasz did not like “antipsychiatry” the same way you can be anti-christian or anti-jewish. People can choose to worship the holy molecules of psychiatry or not.
Informed consent starts with facts like the brain uses 0.000001 volts and they administer up to 400 volts to get a seizure. The professionals call the voltage small and get away with the lie. Why do other professionals not call them on the lie of small?
We live in different universes.
In my prison for the last twenty years or so they have had drugs that melt on contact with the patients tongue and saliva , so you can not cheek them. Before the newer delivery system they would put the drugs in a drink in the size of a small shot glass, with a liquid drink so the “patient” could not cheek the drug.
And the food was never drugged because one patient could give their food to another patient, or the food could be taken/stolen by another patient.
The only antidote to the drugs I know of is water. Drinking huge amounts of water. An action/behaviour which they also have named a mental illness.
The water fountain only gave out a tiny trickle of water and was useless and disgusting. The number one thing you need is a container that can hold a large amount of water, so you know how much you have drunk. You do not want to over consume water, you can die from that as well.
In this thread the comment “The Control Drug Fluphenazine killed (kills) more ‘Psychiatric Patients’ than Hitler” is disputed by Joanna Badura.
The increased mortality rate/shorter life of the mentally ill is known and yet is ignored, does back this claim up.
The math of millions of people on the drugs (all psychiatric drugs) does prove that the slow euthanasia has a higher death toll(total) than the five years of Hitlers rule. There was a YouTube video of professionals discussing the math of millions killed, but I can’t find it at the moment. (and this comment might not be printed if I put the link in.)
“Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic.” Szasz.
Billion dollars a year are being made by Pharma company and the deaths are written off as natural causes, because both doctors prescribe the drugs and doctors analyze the cause of deaths.
Planned VS unplanned doesn’t matter does it?
The planet warming too fast for species to cope and world ecosystem failing will shortly bring an end to the matter.
On YouTube there are some videos on the the anatomy of the brain and a few point out where “schizophrenia” is located in the brain. The neurologist doctors do not respond to comments, and continue teaching falsehoods.
Besides brain damage from a voltage thousands of times of what a “normal” brain runs on.
The heart can stop from ECT.
Imagine you as a doctor want to administer medicine after the heart stops, how will it travel through the body? The medicine can not leave the site you injected it into, such as the arm because there is no pulse.
Google “asystole in ECT”, they treat it like it is nothing. “In all, 65.8% of patients experienced asystole at some time during their course of ECT. “
The reporter wrote
“Perhaps I’m looking at this wrong. Maybe the anguished screams that once rang through these buildings will be exorcized by the delighted shrieks of Halloween revelers. Maybe the joy and laughter will wipe the walls clean of the agony that still clings to them.
But as someone who heard the screams when they were real, I just can’t get there. ”
The patients had the luxury of screaming? They were lucky to be able and allowed to scream in my opinion/experience.
It is far worse to be not allowed or to be unable to scream by the psychiatric “medications” that make the observer happy. What crime did I commit again? (to deserve such treatment) There was a trial?
A psychiatrist saying “You will get sick again.” ( you need me because you need legal drugs)
Is like saying you are going to break your leg again, so you have to wear a cast for the rest of your life. It is bullsh$t. I will not break my leg, though I admit the possibility exists.
In degrees of sickness, how sick will I get? There won’t only be good days ahead, but bad days? What makes me sick? How do psychiatric drugs help?
The feeling of Fear make me sick and the fear of being hospitalized-jailed, and drugged-poisoned can be a feedback loop.
As I now have no fear of being hospitalized-jailed, and drugged-poisoned there is no feedback loop.
If the psychiatrist do not have medicines to give to (or force onto) their patients, then they are not doctors are they?
To dmschlom
Everyone is for psychiatry for the fear of the future. The patient is continually drugged for fear of the future. Everyone knows there is no chemical imbalance, virus or bacteria. Controlling the other person but how?
Insane actions have been with mankind since the start of time and psychiatry and its drugs is the panacea.
I do not have the technical expertise to put this data into program that can extrapolate the results of the drugging in a few years.
More drugs only lead to more drugs, but that IS what drug dealers sell.
The people not making money from not selling drugs need to show the governments (that is paying for a lot of the drugs) the stats on the increasing rates of mental illness and that the drugs are not working as claimed. But who has the money to lobby the government?
Numerous people have lost their kidney, as in the kidney dies, from the lithium “medicine”. If a real doctor wants to see if your kidneys are functioning properly, you should let them and give them a urine sample if they request it.
I wonder if he did , or was forced to do a cold turkey withdrawal from the psych drugs? As those that issue the drugs delusionally think there are no withdrawal effects.
Kendra wrote in the article “He had gained 30 pounds and could barely speak.” on the drugs.
With little ability to behave psychotic, the patient isn’t psychotic, thinks the quack doctor.
Frog goes deaf story A scientist is working in the lab with a frog. He has trained it to respond to simple verbal commands and wants to observe its ability to jump after it has lost one or more of its limbs. He starts by saying, “ok frog, jump.” The frog quickly does a small hop. The scientist notes, “frog jumps easily.”
The scientist then cuts off one of its legs and says “ok frog, jump.” The frog again hops, but with a bit of difficulty. The scientist notes, “frog with 3 legs still able to jump.”
The scientist cuts off another leg and says “ok frog, jump.” The frog stumbles awkwardly but is still able to do a small hop. The scientist notes, “frog with 2 legs able to hop a bit.”
Then he cuts off the third leg and repeats the command. The frog pushes with its remaining leg, trying to hop, and finally propels itself forward a bit. The scientist notes, “frog with one leg unable to jump fully, but can move forward.”
The scientist then cuts off its last leg and says “ok frog, jump.” The frog does nothing. The scientist repeats his command but the frog still does nothing. “Jump frog, jump!” But the frog doesn’t move.
The scientist notes, “frog with no legs goes deaf.”
Patient on anti-psychotics , without symptoms has been successfully treated.
You wrote “Everybody needs to “walk out” of psychiatry.”
I ask the SMI patients entertaining the thought, to not forget where the money comes from to pay the rent and food bills. BEFORE you walk out.
You do not want to be homeless.
“There are no US national laws on ECT leaving individual state governments to regulate treatment. Whereas some states have detailed restrictions on use, other states have no regulation at all. This variation applies to multiple areas of ECT practice, including who can receive ECT, who can provide informed consent, who can prescribe or perform ECT, and what administrative requirements (eg, fees, reporting) must be met by ECT practitioners. Knowledge of these state laws will help providers not only to be aware of their own state’s regulations, but also to have a general awareness of what other states mandate for better patient care and utilization of ECT. ” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28991068/
here in Canada Ativan given/forced on patients.
quote from article “”That was my first question when I got to the hot zone,” she said. “Where is the oxygen?”
Instead, she said, nurses were given a protocol to follow, which involved administering morphine and lorazepam — commonly known as Ativan — to calm the patient down.
Title “No oxygen or running water in hot zone at worst-hit long-term care home in Quebec, inquest hears” https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/chsld-sainte-dorothee-coroners-inquest-1.6068266
Right Steve. That day I was thinking specifically of city employee’s who do not perform there job. The public is paying the city workers when they pay their taxes, the public has the problem ( of no services).
Then I carried it over to psychiatry. What is a psychiatrists, or psychiatries motivation to change? When their (shrinks) common belief in the example of when someone is ill , the patients needs more psychiatric drugs, not less.
from https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/aurora_shooting
“He did tell Fenton the medication hadn’t helped his obsessive thoughts. She doubled the dose of sertraline from 50mg to 100mg. “
Remember to question who is giving you advice.
How is their withdrawal going? Why take their advice?
Keep a notebook/logbook written in your own hand of your journey like a sea fairing captain would. This is the only way to learn from your mistakes and what works.
If you successfully withdraw, I am / you are , a threat to their ( the mass population of taking drugs) religion, and they don’t like it.
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”― Lyndon B. Johnson
If you(the psychiatrist) can convince the lowest man he’s better than the best schizo/bipolar/whatever, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.
Looking down on the mental patient is enjoyed by all “normal” people, maybe the last prejudice.
Szasz video https://youtu.be/5xstBU83rbI?t=41
truth793 wrote “I have no sympathy for someone who thinks treatment consists solely in prescribing drugs”
Without drugs (renamed medicines) you can no longer claim psychiatry is a medicinal treatment , it is a religious/moral treatment if it only uses words/talking/ communication.
People usually get to chose what religion to follow/worship.
“funding to research a fairly homogeneous population with a common ancestry” looking for biological evidence, when we know there is no evidence in the DNA or whatever. The second there is evidence of “mental illness” it is no longer mental illness but physical illness.
People who are poor have bad nutrition, bad physical effects on their brain, body and soul.
The guy is talking about poverty not mental illness. Poverty needs to be studied? What BS.
“argues that mental health research is inequitably distributed across the globe.” You can only look after your own country. People need clean water and food more than mental health services. He is asking for a WHO or NATO and the United Nations mental health police?
A typo on the HTML links, “Letters to the editor from Joanne Moncrieff, and David Taylor/Mark Horowitz.” are reversed, as in each hotlink goes to the other.
I had a broken computer and stuck a broken post it note on it to remind me to fix it. Fixed the computer but forgot to remove the note. The next person observing the computer thought it was broken because of the old label on it. The computer worked fine, but the person thought it was broken because of a label.
Then you get to the human factor , if the person believes they are broken/defective from the past judgement. Léolo – fight scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMgWZ7PUrRY
In the religion of psychiatry they write down the persons confession, so it can never be forgotten. Will the confession be forgiven? If you worship and consume the holy molecules of science, (medication compliant) you will be forgiven.
“Why does asking for emotional support”
The person is not asking for emotional support , the person is threatening to hurt or kill someone. If the police are aware of someone threatening to hurt or kill someone their job is to intervene.
The dark comedy is when the police arrive to help, very often the kill the person they are supposed to protect/serve/save.
Don’t threaten to hurt or kill anyone and you wont get into trouble.
TD brain damage produces involuntary movements and behavior that makes a person look crazy to “normal” people. The charlatans want to promote the belief the crazy person is a real thing, a thing that would exist without a psychiatrist and people jerking around does sell the need for a doctor. but the doctor created the problem shhh shhh now.
Narcissism was recently invented and it does describe psychiatry
4 traits
1. They will never apologize. I am helping you! Don’t you want help?
2. They will never assume responsibility of their faults. This article on psych drugs effects , etc
3. They will never be introspective. Is the patient really ill? Am I helping the patient? Am I a doctor?
4. They will never be forgiving. The patient will always be mentally ill or temporarily in remission.
I am surprised this comment was allowed by the censors. I will attempt to back it up with online articles
Nazis increased the likelihood of death and decreased the likelihood to have children in their enemies.
Death: increased chance of
“By Marilyn Elias, USA TODAY
Adults with serious mental illness treated in public systems die about 25 years earlier than Americans overall, a gap that’s widened since the early ’90s when major mental disorders cut life spans by 10 to 15 years, according to a report due Monday. ” https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/health/2007-05-03-mental-illness_N.htm
Reproduction: having children
Sexual side effects of pharmacological treatment of psychiatric diseases
“there is consistent evidence to suggest that a large number of psychiatric medications adversely affect one or more of the three phases of normal sexual response: desire, arousal, and orgasm. ” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20668442/
Human behaviour ( like animal behaviour) is driven by genes in a way, the urge to reproduce. If the animal or human doesn’t have the behaviour, you know the results, they don’t have offspring.
GEORGE: Oh boy..
JERRY: What are we doing here..?
GEORGE: ..Oh boy.
JERRY: This is ridiculous.
GEORGE: Do you believe this? We’re fighting. We’re fighting.
JERRY: I haven’t been myself lately. I’ve been snapping at everybody.
GEORGE: Me too. I’ve been yelling at strangers on the street.
I LOL’ed at the beginning. “Do you know how you got here?” I had no idea how any of us got here. Big Bang? Evolution? I shrugged again.
Because it was true for myself as well. They are speaking literally , and you are thinking in another way like figuratively, or too deep.
Movie Phenomenon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHDSNs9wBpU
“Don’t the Iranians have enough misery” you are writing like there is someone watching out for the people, there isn’t. Just like there is no one watching out for the planet.
Selling legal drugs is expanding is all. People want the drugs( named medicine) and those that don’t want or approve of medicine are Neanderthals. it is a perfect system, if it wasn’t perfect it would/could not continue to exist.
I too can ” look back on what I’ve been through with anger.”
and this anger at the injustice can be named “psychosis” by those who claim to be helping with “medicine”.
So I must forgive , but not forget, and be grateful for what I still have.
Thank you Robert Whitaker for continuing to fight to show the evidence of the effectiveness of the psychiatric drugs over time.
Yes the psychiatric medications used to be called neuroleptics, and they should be continued to called neuroleptics because if you personally have not been forced to, coerced to, or willingly have taken the drugs, you do not know the effects. The term “Anti-psychotic” medicine makes the “chemical lobotomy” palatable to the person who has not taken the drug.
Advice to the recovering schizophrenic in regards to the chart “Psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia” 23% VS 79%. What is psychotic? It means different things to different people. Today we have digital cameras. Get one and photograph your psychotic symptoms.
It is not surprising to me that being tied up for 15 years makes it unlikely to recover. A person needs a fully operating brain for a mind to work.
You wrote “no one knows that the damages are from chemicals do they. “?
Yes the invisible beating that can not be proven as a violent act. When they change the name of chemical/drug to “medicine” , then no one can question the treatment. What was/is the illness the medicines are prescribed for again? What proof is there of an illness? Who is being disturbed?
You want to deprive a child of medicine? You must be ill.
You also wrote “I do hope that eventually psychiatry becomes part of an ugly history”
The trouble is those that drug children ( both parent and psychiatrist), and those that have invested a lifetime into a chemical solution to “wrong” behaviour will not want to admit they are wrong about the drugs.
You wrote “By measuring that some neurotransmitter levels were lowered, or raised by the drugs, it was concluded that everything the people taking these drugs had been going through was caused by too much, or too little of the neurotransmitter.”
Secondly you wrote “why is it important to believe in a mental illness?”
People used to sin before “mental illness” was invented. You do not have to believe or not believe in sin for the behavior to exist.
Change it to “why is it important to believe in a sin?”
Szasz wrote “In our fervor to medicalize morals, we have transformed every sin but
one into sickness. Anger(5), gluttony(2), lust(1), pride(7), sloth(4) are all the symptoms
of mental diseases. Only lacking compassion (kindness) is still a sin.”
I must concede alcohol addiction might have to be a slow withdrawal. https://www.healthline.com/health/alcoholism/withdrawal#symptoms (they prescribe more drugs, different drugs for the absence of the drug alcohol)
“The symptoms may worsen over two to three days, and some milder symptoms may persist for weeks in some people. “
I am glad for the scientific evidence, the more the better. But it is like stating the sky is the color blue usually, taking drugs that shrink the brain and a infection of COVID19 at the same time is bad. https://www.nature.com/news/2011/110207/full/news.2011.75.html
Philip, Thanks for the criticism . Thanks for the (imaginary) conversation of the first meeting.
“Patient”: Why am I here?
Psychiatrist: Because you are experiencing auditory hallucinations, paranoid delusions, and disordered thinking.
It is a prison.
“Patient”: The only distress I’m feeling is because you’re keeping me locked up in this place.
If you, the patient gets angry ( the normal response) then you, the patient, need more drugs they call medication.
The system is perfect, if it wasn’t perfect it wouldn’t exist.
Sorry the link doesn’t work. It works for me. Just a joke.
Half of the joke is the delivery , so you have to know how Carlin did his stand up.
Carlin was saying “I don’t have pet peeves ( pause) , I have major psychotic **** hatreds!” audience laughs. another link https://www.quotes.net/mquote/35860
Here is a story for you on a blind person.
“One explanation, that B.T. was “malingering,” or lying about her disability, was disproved by an EEG test. When B.T. was in her two blind states, her brain showed none of the electrical responses to visual stimuli that sighted people would display — even though B.T.’s eyes were open and she was looking right at them.”
To MSIDHU who wrote”down-side to medications we have today, like in other aspects of medicine treating cancer, end stage renal disease”
Choices versus diseases….
Dr. Thomas Szasz (1920-2012) wrote
“In physics the same laws are used to explain why airplanes fly and why they crash. In medicine the same principles are used to explain why people live and why they die. In psychiatry, however, one set of rules is used to explain sane behavior and another set of rules is used to explain insane behavior: sane behavior is attributed to reasons (choices), insane behavior to causes (diseases).”
Great response Steve McCrea, thanks for responding to “theloniusmonk”.
Those afraid that some one will take their drugs away, or afraid the chemical restraints placed on a family member might be removed , will defend the drugs as “medicine”.
UPDATE CBS News has retracted their story that they knew each other. IF they had known each other and had grievances between them, those grievances could have been a factor for motivation. I’m sorry I trusted CBS news.
If precious metals are no longer precious metals, as in, they have no value or power , then the pyramid has no top, no way to pay or motivate those under them.
On the CBS news tonight it was reveled the police officer Derek Chauvin knew George Floyd , so that changes the murder from blind racism to something else. IMO obviously all officers should pass some kind of psychology test to indicate that they are not racist. That this test does not exist, or that the existing test let police officer Derek Chauvin become an officer is wrong.
Dr. Jeffrey Steinberg in a video at time index 03:18 of 04:10 schizophrenia is about to be found in the genome . LOL. What are they going to do when it can not be found?
Fictional word of psychotic is used in the video. People are mistaken, people are stupid, people are angry.
They are never going to admit schizophrenia doesn’t exist as a disease. Behaviour is not a disease. “In psychiatry, we use one set of laws to explain sane behaviour, which we attribute to reasons (choices), and another set of laws to explain insane behaviour, which we attribute to causes (diseases).” Szasz
Another factor is the persons teeth. Chewing food lets you get nutrition. My teeth are in bad shape, how about yours?
“Many psychoactive medications cause dry mouth, which makes teeth much more prone to decay,”
If you can’t get out of bed from the psychiatric medication, you also will be unlikely to take care of your teeth.
You apparently do not know the Catch 22. If you are sane enough to seek help it means you are too sane and do NOT need help. Only those who have lack of insight and can not believe/conceive themselves as wrong(ill) need “help”. You were merely neurotic and they can only treat the psychotic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catch-22_(logic)
Szasz “Doubt is to certainty as neurosis is to psychosis. The neurotic is in doubt and has fears about persons and things; the psychotic has convictions and makes claims about them. In short, the neurotic has problems, the psychotic has solutions.
selective breeding of the population for 50 years.
“D. K. Belyaev in Novosibirik, Siberia….selection for specific behaviours such as tameness … after relatively few generations, the foxes were increasingly tame and docile,”
They put “I dream of jeannie” reruns back on TV here, and the psychiatrist is portrayed as an idiot. Was this a PR stunt to get people to trust shrinks again after WW2?
Like the TV show Hogans Heroes is supposed to make us forget the nazis ?
Children by definition can not be mentally ill, only adults are expected to be able to control themselves ( in the battle between emotions VS intellect).
Dr. Szasz “the child mental patient is doubly disfranchised ”
A Working Brain computer interface for the paralyzed was on 60 minutes tonight March 26, 2023.
Ugly and bulky as F though . And they did tell the body-brain tends to cover the contact points in a year or two.
I missed WHO was working on it.
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The FDA has approved brain interfaces for (DBS) Parkinson’s, and cochlear implants (year 1990), so I would say one branch of the FDA doesn’t know what an other branch is doing?
“The FDA approves VIM-DBS for essential tremor and severe tremor in PD.”year 1996
“The FDA expands indications for DBS, approving its use in the subthalamic nucleus and globus pallidus” year 2001″
Elon Musk should say he is working on improving Parkinson’s, and cochlear implants, and “accidentally” find other uses.
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without corporal punishment all they have is magical psychiatric medicines to control the elderly who are not obeying orders.
See “over-medicating of seniors in long-term care facilities”.
or “Thousands of patients with dementia in nursing facilities are being overmedicated with psychotropic drugs,”
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Bruce Levine says by the pharmaceutic industry numbers alone a certain percentage of the population will go crazy from psychiatry drugs-medicine effects on the brain.
So from day to day we will have dramatic episodes on the news of people losing their minds.
On the slow news we have people who do not have the will or discipline to keep their homes clean (called hoarders), and in both cases the general public calls for MORE psychiatry and their magical medicine to make “bad” people “good”.
IMO the (real) doctors have to tell the psychiatric medicine are just drugs, and people need a fully working brain to think and act correctly. (There is no magic pill.)
Act correctly with discipline, patience, sobriety, kindness, and other good things that an un-drugged brain might chose to do. A drugged brain will have difficulty acting disciplined (cleaning / personal hygiene), being patient, and being kind.
If you want to go to Evil, some evil people want those down and out, to stay down and out (on drugs called medicine) so not to challenge their authority. Those with the gold rule, so maybe without corporal punishment all they have is magical psychiatric medicines to control the (unruly) poor.
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You wrote “we do not have a right to die”
We do so have a right to die.
What depends is how fast the suicide is. A slow suicide IS allowed, while a quick one is not.
Slow suicide.
You can eat yourself to overweight and if you have someone to feed you keep eating. Right to keep eating
Drink (alcohol) to excess and keep going. Right to keep drinking
Smoke to excess and keep smoking. Right to keep smoking.
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“My sentence wasn’t grammatically correct,”
I do a Double negative also on occasion.
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Double negative to make a positive in the sentence.”it’s not uncommon for manipulative people to be working as mental health professionals.”
Translates to “It is common for manipulative people to be working as mental health professionals”
Who else would enjoy the job? What motivates people?
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Threatening to kill someone is against the law. I did not make the rules.
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If a person makes a (credible) threat to kill someone, what happens?
from internet….
What Is a Criminal Threat?
A criminal threat involves one person threatening someone else with physical harm or death. To be convicted, the prosecution must prove:
the defendant communicated a threat of harm to another
the defendant intended that the communication be taken as a threat, and
the threat was credible and specific so as to place a person in fear of harm.
So threatening to kill oneself has similar consequences and should first go through the legal system to establish the facts of the case.
A person can’t be free to threaten others or threaten to kill themselves without serious consequence.
This is in conflict with the “please talk about your feelings” advice on thinking suicidal. It puts the person who hears the threat in a difficult position.
Do the crime , do the time. Thinking suicidal should be put back in the closet, no sane being would consider it. Do any animals commit suicide?
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I also enjoy this song and it reminds me of the artist
John Lennon’s quote ” Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.”
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“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Do big brained animals know they are going to die one day? How do they handle that information?
Everything we do will turn into dirt/burn/dissolve shortly after we are dead.
The only thing we can leave behind ( in the stream of time) are our children, and I have no children.
What is crazy?
“It’s not crazy if it works!”
So take that, if someone/something is working, it is not crazy.
What is stupid?
“It’s not stupid if it works!”
So take that, if someone/something is working, it is not stupid.
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“Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic.” ~ Thomas Szasz, M.D.
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Steve wrote “It is baffling to me that they continue to get away with it.”
Pastor Martin Niemöller
“Then they got rid of the sick, the so-called incurables” The second group written in Niemöller’s source text.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
When Pastor Niemöller was put in a concentration camp we wrote the year 1937; when the concentration camp was opened we wrote the year 1933, and the people who were put in the camps then were Communists. Who cared about them? We knew it, it was printed in the newspapers. Who raised their voice, maybe the Confessing Church? We thought: Communists, those opponents of religion, those enemies of Christians – “should I be my brother’s keeper?”
Then they got rid of the sick, the so-called incurables. – I remember a conversation I had with a person who claimed to be a Christian. He said: Perhaps it’s right, these incurably sick people just cost the state money, they are just a burden to themselves and to others. Isn’t it best for all concerned if they are taken out of the middle [of society]? — Only then did the church as such take note. Then we started talking, until our voices were again silenced in public. Can we say, we aren’t guilty/responsible? The persecution of the Jews, the way we treated the occupied countries, or the things in Greece, in Poland, in Czechoslovakia or in Holland, that were written in the newspapers. … I believe, we Confessing-Church-Christians have every reason to say: mea culpa, mea culpa!
We can talk ourselves out of it with the excuse that it would have cost me my head if I had spoken out.
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There used to be walls on every city to keep the barbarians out.
Today there are no walls.
Everyone must follow orders. The barbarians are inside the city.
This person hears ideas? He/she might not follow orders.
Twelve Monkeys film in my head.
James Cole:
“So now it’s not about the virus at all. It’s about following orders, doing what you’re told.”
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I have had “psychotic” delusions, but all is not black and white, you might not be entirely wrong…. or right.
Only when psychotic does a person have certainty. Any educated intelligent person has room in their mind for doubt.
That is the (my) fun and thrill of psychosis , full certainty of truth, of being right.
The delusion of that one is in a reality like the Truman Show movie, is not black and white.
The famous director Alfred Hitchcock said “What is drama, after all, but life with the dull bits cut out.”
Day by day we are producing our own film in our minds. No boring parts? That is a good film.
If you take/make dangerous decisions because you believe you ARE in a film (with no consequences), yes that is ???? stupid maybe?
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Ya, I know what SMI is. SMI is a 25 year shorter average lifespan from all the poisons (called medications) given (or forced on) to the mentally ill.
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“lots of psychiatric diagnoses”
Psychiatry destroys BOTH male and female, I don’t know why you think male patients do any better than female. That they JUST destroy the female patients is bull.
So there goes your misogyny, if they hate males just as well as female?
I would say psychiatry is a matriarchy not a patriarchy for they do not put people in prison but in a hospital. People are not guilty or responsible for their actions (something a mother would say) because they do not know any better and are not in their right mind.
“The insanity defense, also known as the mental disorder defense, is an affirmative defense by excuse in a criminal case, arguing that the defendant is not responsible for their actions due to an episodic or persistent psychiatric disease at the time of the criminal act.” While a patriarchy would put someone in prison and call it a prison.
“that you can only access welfare if you’ll take a psychiatric diagnosis and take the medication.”
in psychiatry people get help with psychiatry medicine, they’re not controlled or coerced with (no visible violence) poisons.<matriarchy
"He whips out his prescription pad, and he writes out a prescription for Prozac."
It is about selling legal drugs as "medicine" to a willing public. (on the voluntary side of psychiatry)
Billions and billions of dollars.
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That is hilarious , that he thinks lithium poisoning is a good thing. I’ve know so many people with failed organs from taking that poison.
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in the article
“Haldol was supplanted by a new generation of ‘antipsychotics,’ though it remains a drug of choice in emergency rooms”
I used to read the thoughts of emergency room workers on the blog world, and they believe you can NOT give an overdose of Haldol, as no science has reported it to them as being possible. While anecdotally you can read of them giving uncooperative prisoner/patients dose after dose. If the patient dies, they blame it on the patients illegal drug use. Was it the illegal drug? No one will ever know.
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You can not write your argument for “feeling suicidal” coherently . First there is a feeling which we both agree. Second is the action. If feeling hungry you can find/ make some food. If feeling thirsty you can find and drink some water. You can not feel the future action of “finding/making some food” you can not feel the future action of “finding/drinking some water” . There IS a step between a feeling and an action.
Suicide is an action, not a feeling.
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Sorry I do not believe feelings can be suicidal. Suicide is an complex action. You are misnaming a feeling.
Some feelings are hunger and tired and thirsty. There are possible actions to take if you feel hungry, tired or thirsty.
To say you or other people are feeling suicidal is a lie and a mistake that makes people think there is no way out.
If you listen carefully to professionals talk/write about suicide, they know this truth and say “if you are thinking suicidal” not feeling.
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I’m not catholic but I believe the priests can forgive your mistakes or sins (some times you can bribe them with money in the case of a divorce), while psychiatry writes your mistakes or sins down on paper, never to be forgotten. Humans did not have cheap paper until mass production so I don’t know if the Catholic church would have used this device given the chance. In psychiatry Sins/mistakes are forgiven if you take/worship the holy molecules of science, but they are still written down and you may sin again just like you did in the past. Look its written down, so its proof. Squiggly black marks on a white substance…What isn’t fallible?
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If you know anything about the metal lead, you know millions have been poisoned by leaded gasoline. So it would have been interesting to know if anyone had the information of the blood lead levels in all these children. As if you have lead in you, your brain, it reduces your intelligence.
Toxic legacy of leaded gasoline https://youtu.be/YmJLPuNFjmA
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I don’t understand why so many people use the word “medications” when it is just drugs. Please write the word “psychiatric “, if you are going to write medications. “Psychiatric medications” to be specific because they are not medicines in the traditional penicillin and insulin kind of medicine.
Drugs vs medicine
Whats the correct dose? arbitrary with no measurement tools.
When does it end? never, with no measurement tools.
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Do not throw all brain imaging out, as some can prove brain damage and the worsening of brain function. (From WHAT?) Autopsy can prove brain changes to the dopamine transmit-receive functions.
A worsening of brain function would likely mean a stupider “patient” which is the opposite of what the psychiatrist claims they want.
The psychiatrist claims they want the patient to have an insight into their illness.
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Found one video of Szasz “Albert Ellis and Thomas Szasz Debate Mental Illness: Primal Scream Therapy” https://youtu.be/l4AwFIVsPE8?t=73
Freedom to worship what you want to worship, but most everyone , lawyers and judges believe the psychiatric drugs are in FACT, medicines.
I blame all the other legitimate (physical science) doctors who go along with psychiatry, but many doctors have severe sadness themselves and seek/take the magical pills of psychiatry.
The planets destruction by the hands of mankind will sort it out one day.
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Thank you for the work you have done Phil.
I am just a survivor of psychiatry.
3) “Thirdly, we need to use every opportunity to educate”
They have all the answers, all the power and should not be spoken to.
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I second this comment that psychiatry is a religion. Thomas Szasz has said as much if you read between the lines of the writings. Why Szasz did not like “antipsychiatry” the same way you can be anti-christian or anti-jewish. People can choose to worship the holy molecules of psychiatry or not.
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I remember the death of Else Tindle madinamerica.com/2016/03/73830/
An application for an SOAD was submitted on February 23, 2015, by psychiatrist Dr Eugene van Rheede van Oudtshoorn.
However, no SOAD had been appointed by the time Dr van Rheede referred Miss Tindle for ECT,
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Informed consent starts with facts like the brain uses 0.000001 volts and they administer up to 400 volts to get a seizure. The professionals call the voltage small and get away with the lie. Why do other professionals not call them on the lie of small?
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We live in different universes.
In my prison for the last twenty years or so they have had drugs that melt on contact with the patients tongue and saliva , so you can not cheek them. Before the newer delivery system they would put the drugs in a drink in the size of a small shot glass, with a liquid drink so the “patient” could not cheek the drug.
And the food was never drugged because one patient could give their food to another patient, or the food could be taken/stolen by another patient.
The only antidote to the drugs I know of is water. Drinking huge amounts of water. An action/behaviour which they also have named a mental illness.
The water fountain only gave out a tiny trickle of water and was useless and disgusting. The number one thing you need is a container that can hold a large amount of water, so you know how much you have drunk. You do not want to over consume water, you can die from that as well.
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I found the link of millions killed, go to about 2:30 to hear/see the discussion.
RW says maybe 20 million at 4:30
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In this thread the comment “The Control Drug Fluphenazine killed (kills) more ‘Psychiatric Patients’ than Hitler” is disputed by Joanna Badura.
The increased mortality rate/shorter life of the mentally ill is known and yet is ignored, does back this claim up.
The math of millions of people on the drugs (all psychiatric drugs) does prove that the slow euthanasia has a higher death toll(total) than the five years of Hitlers rule. There was a YouTube video of professionals discussing the math of millions killed, but I can’t find it at the moment. (and this comment might not be printed if I put the link in.)
“Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic.” Szasz.
Billion dollars a year are being made by Pharma company and the deaths are written off as natural causes, because both doctors prescribe the drugs and doctors analyze the cause of deaths.
Planned VS unplanned doesn’t matter does it?
The planet warming too fast for species to cope and world ecosystem failing will shortly bring an end to the matter.
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On YouTube there are some videos on the the anatomy of the brain and a few point out where “schizophrenia” is located in the brain. The neurologist doctors do not respond to comments, and continue teaching falsehoods.
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Besides brain damage from a voltage thousands of times of what a “normal” brain runs on.
The heart can stop from ECT.
Imagine you as a doctor want to administer medicine after the heart stops, how will it travel through the body? The medicine can not leave the site you injected it into, such as the arm because there is no pulse.
Google “asystole in ECT”, they treat it like it is nothing. “In all, 65.8% of patients experienced asystole at some time during their course of ECT. “
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The reporter wrote
“Perhaps I’m looking at this wrong. Maybe the anguished screams that once rang through these buildings will be exorcized by the delighted shrieks of Halloween revelers. Maybe the joy and laughter will wipe the walls clean of the agony that still clings to them.
But as someone who heard the screams when they were real, I just can’t get there. ”
The patients had the luxury of screaming? They were lucky to be able and allowed to scream in my opinion/experience.
It is far worse to be not allowed or to be unable to scream by the psychiatric “medications” that make the observer happy. What crime did I commit again? (to deserve such treatment) There was a trial?
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A psychiatrist saying “You will get sick again.” ( you need me because you need legal drugs)
Is like saying you are going to break your leg again, so you have to wear a cast for the rest of your life. It is bullsh$t. I will not break my leg, though I admit the possibility exists.
In degrees of sickness, how sick will I get? There won’t only be good days ahead, but bad days? What makes me sick? How do psychiatric drugs help?
The feeling of Fear make me sick and the fear of being hospitalized-jailed, and drugged-poisoned can be a feedback loop.
As I now have no fear of being hospitalized-jailed, and drugged-poisoned there is no feedback loop.
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There is some hope of the fraud getting caught.
Stanford Psychiatrist Questions Use of Neuroimaging in Drug Development
Psychiatrist Alan Schatzberg claims that current neuroimaging techniques for assessing psychiatric drug effectiveness may be inadequate.
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I will miss Don Weitz.
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You wrote “nothing is going to stop this train.”
There is some hope of genuine science (neurology) stopping the prescribing of psychiatric drugs.
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If the psychiatrist do not have medicines to give to (or force onto) their patients, then they are not doctors are they?
To dmschlom
Everyone is for psychiatry for the fear of the future. The patient is continually drugged for fear of the future. Everyone knows there is no chemical imbalance, virus or bacteria. Controlling the other person but how?
Insane actions have been with mankind since the start of time and psychiatry and its drugs is the panacea.
Historical events
Kill your son because of voices . Binding of Isaac https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binding_of_Isaac
Kill your wife in anger . Labours of Hercules https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labours_of_Hercules
Kill your brother .Cain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cain
Today all taken care of by magical pills that make people “good” instead of “bad”.
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More drugs…
Using Imaging to Look at Changes in the Brain
Interview of Dr. Nancy C. Andreasen
A. ….Implication 2: we need to find other drugs that work on other systems and parts of the brain.
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I do not have the technical expertise to put this data into program that can extrapolate the results of the drugging in a few years.
More drugs only lead to more drugs, but that IS what drug dealers sell.
The people not making money from not selling drugs need to show the governments (that is paying for a lot of the drugs) the stats on the increasing rates of mental illness and that the drugs are not working as claimed. But who has the money to lobby the government?
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take a “urine test”.
Numerous people have lost their kidney, as in the kidney dies, from the lithium “medicine”. If a real doctor wants to see if your kidneys are functioning properly, you should let them and give them a urine sample if they request it.
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I wonder if he did , or was forced to do a cold turkey withdrawal from the psych drugs? As those that issue the drugs delusionally think there are no withdrawal effects.
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Kendra wrote in the article “He had gained 30 pounds and could barely speak.” on the drugs.
With little ability to behave psychotic, the patient isn’t psychotic, thinks the quack doctor.
Frog goes deaf story
A scientist is working in the lab with a frog. He has trained it to respond to simple verbal commands and wants to observe its ability to jump after it has lost one or more of its limbs. He starts by saying, “ok frog, jump.” The frog quickly does a small hop. The scientist notes, “frog jumps easily.”
The scientist then cuts off one of its legs and says “ok frog, jump.” The frog again hops, but with a bit of difficulty. The scientist notes, “frog with 3 legs still able to jump.”
The scientist cuts off another leg and says “ok frog, jump.” The frog stumbles awkwardly but is still able to do a small hop. The scientist notes, “frog with 2 legs able to hop a bit.”
Then he cuts off the third leg and repeats the command. The frog pushes with its remaining leg, trying to hop, and finally propels itself forward a bit. The scientist notes, “frog with one leg unable to jump fully, but can move forward.”
The scientist then cuts off its last leg and says “ok frog, jump.” The frog does nothing. The scientist repeats his command but the frog still does nothing. “Jump frog, jump!” But the frog doesn’t move.
The scientist notes, “frog with no legs goes deaf.”
Patient on anti-psychotics , without symptoms has been successfully treated.
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You wrote “Everybody needs to “walk out” of psychiatry.”
I ask the SMI patients entertaining the thought, to not forget where the money comes from to pay the rent and food bills. BEFORE you walk out.
You do not want to be homeless.
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“There are no US national laws on ECT leaving individual state governments to regulate treatment. Whereas some states have detailed restrictions on use, other states have no regulation at all. This variation applies to multiple areas of ECT practice, including who can receive ECT, who can provide informed consent, who can prescribe or perform ECT, and what administrative requirements (eg, fees, reporting) must be met by ECT practitioners. Knowledge of these state laws will help providers not only to be aware of their own state’s regulations, but also to have a general awareness of what other states mandate for better patient care and utilization of ECT. ” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28991068/
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here in Canada Ativan given/forced on patients.
quote from article “”That was my first question when I got to the hot zone,” she said. “Where is the oxygen?”
Instead, she said, nurses were given a protocol to follow, which involved administering morphine and lorazepam — commonly known as Ativan — to calm the patient down.
Title “No oxygen or running water in hot zone at worst-hit long-term care home in Quebec, inquest hears”
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Alternate title “Quack doctor does not want science to put him out of a job”
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Today in my news-feed regarding adding rather than subtracting.
“Less is more: Why our brains struggle to subtract” https://youtu.be/1y32OpI2_LM
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Right Steve. That day I was thinking specifically of city employee’s who do not perform there job. The public is paying the city workers when they pay their taxes, the public has the problem ( of no services).
Then I carried it over to psychiatry. What is a psychiatrists, or psychiatries motivation to change? When their (shrinks) common belief in the example of when someone is ill , the patients needs more psychiatric drugs, not less.
from https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/aurora_shooting
“He did tell Fenton the medication hadn’t helped his obsessive thoughts. She doubled the dose of sertraline from 50mg to 100mg. “
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I was just thinking the other day “What is their motivation to change?”
Who has the problem? Who is paying for all this failure?
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Remember to question who is giving you advice.
How is their withdrawal going? Why take their advice?
Keep a notebook/logbook written in your own hand of your journey like a sea fairing captain would. This is the only way to learn from your mistakes and what works.
If you successfully withdraw, I am / you are , a threat to their ( the mass population of taking drugs) religion, and they don’t like it.
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They can not hide the bodies they are responsible for. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/map/euthanasia-centers-germany-1940-1945
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“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”― Lyndon B. Johnson
If you(the psychiatrist) can convince the lowest man he’s better than the best schizo/bipolar/whatever, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.
Looking down on the mental patient is enjoyed by all “normal” people, maybe the last prejudice.
Szasz video https://youtu.be/5xstBU83rbI?t=41
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truth793 wrote “I have no sympathy for someone who thinks treatment consists solely in prescribing drugs”
Without drugs (renamed medicines) you can no longer claim psychiatry is a medicinal treatment , it is a religious/moral treatment if it only uses words/talking/ communication.
People usually get to chose what religion to follow/worship.
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Who would listen to this call for more money to study behaviours?
Szasz “Confusing behaviours…. with diseases” https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xpiph6
“funding to research a fairly homogeneous population with a common ancestry” looking for biological evidence, when we know there is no evidence in the DNA or whatever. The second there is evidence of “mental illness” it is no longer mental illness but physical illness.
People who are poor have bad nutrition, bad physical effects on their brain, body and soul.
The guy is talking about poverty not mental illness. Poverty needs to be studied? What BS.
“argues that mental health research is inequitably distributed across the globe.” You can only look after your own country. People need clean water and food more than mental health services. He is asking for a WHO or NATO and the United Nations mental health police?
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okay, it is fixed now.
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A typo on the HTML links, “Letters to the editor from Joanne Moncrieff, and David Taylor/Mark Horowitz.” are reversed, as in each hotlink goes to the other.
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I had a broken computer and stuck a broken post it note on it to remind me to fix it. Fixed the computer but forgot to remove the note. The next person observing the computer thought it was broken because of the old label on it. The computer worked fine, but the person thought it was broken because of a label.
Then you get to the human factor , if the person believes they are broken/defective from the past judgement. Léolo – fight scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMgWZ7PUrRY
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You should not support The Onion, by this extra publicity, for the articles/video on schizophrenia it has published.
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In the religion of psychiatry they write down the persons confession, so it can never be forgotten. Will the confession be forgiven? If you worship and consume the holy molecules of science, (medication compliant) you will be forgiven.
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“Why does asking for emotional support”
The person is not asking for emotional support , the person is threatening to hurt or kill someone. If the police are aware of someone threatening to hurt or kill someone their job is to intervene.
The dark comedy is when the police arrive to help, very often the kill the person they are supposed to protect/serve/save.
Don’t threaten to hurt or kill anyone and you wont get into trouble.
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I write with a pen, then when/if you re-read the words you know for certain they are yours.
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TD brain damage produces involuntary movements and behavior that makes a person look crazy to “normal” people. The charlatans want to promote the belief the crazy person is a real thing, a thing that would exist without a psychiatrist and people jerking around does sell the need for a doctor. but the doctor created the problem shhh shhh now.
Narcissism was recently invented and it does describe psychiatry
4 traits
1. They will never apologize. I am helping you! Don’t you want help?
2. They will never assume responsibility of their faults. This article on psych drugs effects , etc
3. They will never be introspective. Is the patient really ill? Am I helping the patient? Am I a doctor?
4. They will never be forgiving. The patient will always be mentally ill or temporarily in remission.
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I am surprised this comment was allowed by the censors. I will attempt to back it up with online articles
Nazis increased the likelihood of death and decreased the likelihood to have children in their enemies.
Death: increased chance of
“By Marilyn Elias, USA TODAY
Adults with serious mental illness treated in public systems die about 25 years earlier than Americans overall, a gap that’s widened since the early ’90s when major mental disorders cut life spans by 10 to 15 years, according to a report due Monday. ”
Reproduction: having children
Sexual side effects of pharmacological treatment of psychiatric diseases
“there is consistent evidence to suggest that a large number of psychiatric medications adversely affect one or more of the three phases of normal sexual response: desire, arousal, and orgasm. ”
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Human behaviour ( like animal behaviour) is driven by genes in a way, the urge to reproduce. If the animal or human doesn’t have the behaviour, you know the results, they don’t have offspring.
“The Contest” is the 51st episode of the NBC sitcom Seinfeld.
GEORGE: Oh boy..
JERRY: What are we doing here..?
GEORGE: ..Oh boy.
JERRY: This is ridiculous.
GEORGE: Do you believe this? We’re fighting. We’re fighting.
JERRY: I haven’t been myself lately. I’ve been snapping at everybody.
GEORGE: Me too. I’ve been yelling at strangers on the street.
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Szasz said and wrote that choices are not in the DNA. People make choices to behave good or badly.
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I LOL’ed at the beginning.
“Do you know how you got here?” I had no idea how any of us got here. Big Bang? Evolution? I shrugged again.
Because it was true for myself as well. They are speaking literally , and you are thinking in another way like figuratively, or too deep.
Movie Phenomenon
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alcohol for alcohol addiction
“Participants also significantly reduce their alcohol consumption and learn a sense of community.” https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/managed-alcohol-programs-canada-australia-1.3921655
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“Don’t the Iranians have enough misery” you are writing like there is someone watching out for the people, there isn’t. Just like there is no one watching out for the planet.
Selling legal drugs is expanding is all. People want the drugs( named medicine) and those that don’t want or approve of medicine are Neanderthals. it is a perfect system, if it wasn’t perfect it would/could not continue to exist.
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I agree with you streetphotobeing, another reference source
Murderous Science: Elimination by Scientific Selection of Jews, Gypsies, and Others, Germany 1933-1945 https://books.google.ca/books/about/Murderous_science.html?id=pH9uAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y&hl=en
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I too can ” look back on what I’ve been through with anger.”
and this anger at the injustice can be named “psychosis” by those who claim to be helping with “medicine”.
So I must forgive , but not forget, and be grateful for what I still have.
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Thank you Robert Whitaker for continuing to fight to show the evidence of the effectiveness of the psychiatric drugs over time.
Yes the psychiatric medications used to be called neuroleptics, and they should be continued to called neuroleptics because if you personally have not been forced to, coerced to, or willingly have taken the drugs, you do not know the effects. The term “Anti-psychotic” medicine makes the “chemical lobotomy” palatable to the person who has not taken the drug.
Advice to the recovering schizophrenic in regards to the chart “Psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia” 23% VS 79%. What is psychotic? It means different things to different people. Today we have digital cameras. Get one and photograph your psychotic symptoms.
It is not surprising to me that being tied up for 15 years makes it unlikely to recover. A person needs a fully operating brain for a mind to work.
And they want the frog to work after they cut off its legs? https://lowres.cartooncollections.com/animals-amphibians-frogs-frog_s_legs-restaurants-animals-NL700109_low.jpg
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You wrote “no one knows that the damages are from chemicals do they. “?
Yes the invisible beating that can not be proven as a violent act. When they change the name of chemical/drug to “medicine” , then no one can question the treatment. What was/is the illness the medicines are prescribed for again? What proof is there of an illness? Who is being disturbed?
You want to deprive a child of medicine? You must be ill.
You also wrote “I do hope that eventually psychiatry becomes part of an ugly history”
The trouble is those that drug children ( both parent and psychiatrist), and those that have invested a lifetime into a chemical solution to “wrong” behaviour will not want to admit they are wrong about the drugs.
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Thanks Sam
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At the end of the article, the comments of the prison workers, pretending to work in a hospital is something to see.
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You wrote “By measuring that some neurotransmitter levels were lowered, or raised by the drugs, it was concluded that everything the people taking these drugs had been going through was caused by too much, or too little of the neurotransmitter.”
This “measuring” has never occurred. Those in power designated the drugs as medication. Robert Whitaker has reported the cadaver studies on the brain of those who took/were forced to take the drugs. https://robertwhitakerbooks.com/anatomy-of-an-epidemic/antipsychoticsschizophrenia/
Secondly you wrote “why is it important to believe in a mental illness?”
People used to sin before “mental illness” was invented. You do not have to believe or not believe in sin for the behavior to exist.
Change it to “why is it important to believe in a sin?”
Szasz wrote “In our fervor to medicalize morals, we have transformed every sin but
one into sickness. Anger(5), gluttony(2), lust(1), pride(7), sloth(4) are all the symptoms
of mental diseases. Only lacking compassion (kindness) is still a sin.”
Vice and Virtue
1 Lust Chastity
2 Gluttony Temperance
3 Greed Charity
4 Sloth Diligence
5 Wrath Patience
6 Envy Kindness
7 Pride Humility
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If your forest is on fire, you should wait as long as possible before putting the fire out, right? The forest will grow back? It might not.
In coffee withdrawal , similar brain receptors “caffeine withdrawal usually lasts at least two to nine days”
and in the brain shrinking study https://www.nature.com/news/2010/100606/full/news.2010.281.html
“Within a day, volunteers’ brains returned to almost their original size as the effects of the single haloperidol dose subsided. ”
I must concede alcohol addiction might have to be a slow withdrawal. https://www.healthline.com/health/alcoholism/withdrawal#symptoms (they prescribe more drugs, different drugs for the absence of the drug alcohol)
“The symptoms may worsen over two to three days, and some milder symptoms may persist for weeks in some people. “
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I am glad for the scientific evidence, the more the better. But it is like stating the sky is the color blue usually, taking drugs that shrink the brain and a infection of COVID19 at the same time is bad. https://www.nature.com/news/2011/110207/full/news.2011.75.html
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I LOL’ed at “Kolker doesn’t get around to dropping this bombshell until page 239 of his book,”
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Philip, Thanks for the criticism . Thanks for the (imaginary) conversation of the first meeting.
“Patient”: Why am I here?
Psychiatrist: Because you are experiencing auditory hallucinations, paranoid delusions, and disordered thinking.
It is a prison.
“Patient”: The only distress I’m feeling is because you’re keeping me locked up in this place.
If you, the patient gets angry ( the normal response) then you, the patient, need more drugs they call medication.
The system is perfect, if it wasn’t perfect it wouldn’t exist.
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The DEVIL made me do it or THE CHEMICALS made me do it.
a brain misfiring? what is its idle speed? bad gas? what about the transmission?
NSFW ? Photos of chemicals affecting the brain in animals, but magically this chemical reaction doesn’t happen in humans. http://amazingworldofpics.blogspot.com/2010/03/animals-humping-wrong-animal.html
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Sorry the link doesn’t work. It works for me. Just a joke.
Half of the joke is the delivery , so you have to know how Carlin did his stand up.
Carlin was saying “I don’t have pet peeves ( pause) , I have major psychotic **** hatreds!” audience laughs. another link https://www.quotes.net/mquote/35860
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George Carlin on the word “psychotic” image/quote https://9gag.com/gag/aV3AgB2
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Here is a story for you on a blind person.
“One explanation, that B.T. was “malingering,” or lying about her disability, was disproved by an EEG test. When B.T. was in her two blind states, her brain showed none of the electrical responses to visual stimuli that sighted people would display — even though B.T.’s eyes were open and she was looking right at them.”
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To MSIDHU who wrote”down-side to medications we have today, like in other aspects of medicine treating cancer, end stage renal disease”
Choices versus diseases….
Dr. Thomas Szasz (1920-2012) wrote
“In physics the same laws are used to explain why airplanes fly and why they crash. In medicine the same principles are used to explain why people live and why they die. In psychiatry, however, one set of rules is used to explain sane behavior and another set of rules is used to explain insane behavior: sane behavior is attributed to reasons (choices), insane behavior to causes (diseases).”
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Great response Steve McCrea, thanks for responding to “theloniusmonk”.
Those afraid that some one will take their drugs away, or afraid the chemical restraints placed on a family member might be removed , will defend the drugs as “medicine”.
For a brain shrinkage positive web link , where a lobotomy is good for your brain “But decreasing brain volume could also be responsible for the beneficial effects of the drugs.” https://www.nature.com/news/2011/110207/full/news.2011.75.html
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UPDATE CBS News has retracted their story that they knew each other. IF they had known each other and had grievances between them, those grievances could have been a factor for motivation. I’m sorry I trusted CBS news.
Who judges who? I don’t know. In the past it was whoever had the best gun and army to enforce the King/Queens law. http://www.laborarts.org/collections/item.cfm?itemid=428
If precious metals are no longer precious metals, as in, they have no value or power , then the pyramid has no top, no way to pay or motivate those under them.
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On the CBS news tonight it was reveled the police officer Derek Chauvin knew George Floyd , so that changes the murder from blind racism to something else. IMO obviously all officers should pass some kind of psychology test to indicate that they are not racist. That this test does not exist, or that the existing test let police officer Derek Chauvin become an officer is wrong.
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Depending on the amount of psychiatric drugs , saying patients-prisoners should exercise, is like telling a person with visible physical restraint of chains and shackles to jump and exercise. They are the insane ones , but they have the power. https://books.google.ca/books?id=YK7CBQAAQBAJ&lpg=PA147&ots=YAAe9Fr0P1&dq=chemical%20straitjacket&pg=PA147#v=onepage&q=chemical%20straitjacket&f=false
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Dr. Jeffrey Steinberg in a video at time index 03:18 of 04:10 schizophrenia is about to be found in the genome . LOL. What are they going to do when it can not be found?
Fictional word of psychotic is used in the video. People are mistaken, people are stupid, people are angry.
They are never going to admit schizophrenia doesn’t exist as a disease. Behaviour is not a disease. “In psychiatry, we use one set of laws to explain sane behaviour, which we attribute to reasons (choices), and another set of laws to explain insane behaviour, which we attribute to causes (diseases).” Szasz
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Great comment
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Another factor is the persons teeth. Chewing food lets you get nutrition. My teeth are in bad shape, how about yours?
“Many psychoactive medications cause dry mouth, which makes teeth much more prone to decay,”
If you can’t get out of bed from the psychiatric medication, you also will be unlikely to take care of your teeth.
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From the article NIMH Director Joshua Gordon ” Imagine if you had schizophrenia—that concern or suspicion could turn into frank paranoia.”
So many people believe schizophrenia is a real disease.
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You apparently do not know the Catch 22. If you are sane enough to seek help it means you are too sane and do NOT need help. Only those who have lack of insight and can not believe/conceive themselves as wrong(ill) need “help”. You were merely neurotic and they can only treat the psychotic.
Szasz “Doubt is to certainty as neurosis is to psychosis. The neurotic is in doubt and has fears about persons and things; the psychotic has convictions and makes claims about them. In short, the neurotic has problems, the psychotic has solutions.
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selective breeding of the population for 50 years.
“D. K. Belyaev in Novosibirik, Siberia….selection for specific behaviours such as tameness … after relatively few generations, the foxes were increasingly tame and docile,”
They put “I dream of jeannie” reruns back on TV here, and the psychiatrist is portrayed as an idiot. Was this a PR stunt to get people to trust shrinks again after WW2?
Like the TV show Hogans Heroes is supposed to make us forget the nazis ?
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asylums are proven not to work when the patient can not complain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPBhuaxpL90
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Children by definition can not be mentally ill, only adults are expected to be able to control themselves ( in the battle between emotions VS intellect).
Dr. Szasz “the child mental patient is doubly disfranchised ”
said page 68 https://books.google.ca/books?id=2pduB22E43oC&lpg=PA68&dq=szasz%20psychiatric%20rape&pg=PA68#v=onepage&q=szasz%20psychiatric%20age%20of%20consent&f=false
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