What Does Santa Think About ADHD Drugs?


NEWS FLASH (North Pole, Somewherereallycold)– According to sources at the North Pole, Santa is not happy about the growing use of ADHD drugs. As you know, long ago, he had made his list and checked it twice. But with more than 4.5 million kids in the USA alone doing ADHD drugs every day, he has had to redo his list infinitum. His legal counsel, Burgermeister  & Meisterburger, is currently deliberating with officials from the Elfen Legislature if doing legal drugs similar to cocaine, meth and opium should be construed as disqualification from the “Nice” list. For decades, such drug use constituted immediate assignment to the naughty list, but officials are delaying a decision in hopes of a Christmas miracle. Meanwhile investigators are still looking into reports of an illegal Adderall drug ring being ran by workers at Santa’s Workshop. Elf Union representatives had no comment at this time in response as to how the elves can work such long hours with no food or breaks.

Is it sacrilegious to use Santa and his elves for such satire? I guess I shouldn’t worry too much. As some of you know, not too long ago, after much debate (because I knew it would move the cheese of many); I decided to finally write what some consider a controversial book on ADHD. My research discovered a large body of shocking evidence critical of the ADHD diagnosis that I felt far too many must not yet be aware of. With millions of kids worldwide being drugged for this questionable disorder under the pretext of mental health, I decided someone needed to dehypnotize adults and release the pharmaceutical spell convincing them that dangerously drugging children in their most developmentally critical periods was a healthy substitute for more engaged parenting and inspiring education. Needless to say, since Debunking ADHD was released in April 2014, this year has been an exciting adventure.  I cannot tell how much I have enjoyed helping so many concerned adults and kids navigate away from this place I call Planet ADHD, Land of the All Do Have Disorder. But I didn’t do it on my own.

Much of the success in reaching families worldwide with my book, videos and meta-message (i.e. stop drugging kids for acting like kids) is due in part to the readers and staff at www.MadinAmerica.com. So for this last blog of the year I would like to sincerely thank Robert, Kermit and all of you for the inspiration and support you have given me! But before I sign off for the year, I would like to share one more thought, one more wish if you will, and a video of one of my talks that I hope you will once again share with others.

Excerpts from the Road to Drugville

My Christmas Wish

If there is one day a year that we should not ever limit the level of excitement our children feel and exhibit, what some might call exuberance or Hyper Activity, it is Christmas day. Sure as the Fox News Guru Bill O’Reilly likes to remind us annually, we need to keep the Christ in Christmas, but really when we get down to the nuts and bolts of things, to kids there is possibly an even stronger omnipresent force at work during the holiday season. To kids Christmas is all about that base, bout that base, no treble…um sorry one of my daughter’s favorite songs distracted me… I meant it’s about the presents. Why? Because the other big guy with the white beard, red suit and shiny blue eyes, is bringing the booty back once again on December 24th. And by booty, I mean a big bag of presents.

For the vast majority of American children and I suspect children worldwide, sure it is joyous to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but for children of those families who celebrate Christmas, the real climatic pursuit is about waiting for daylight to shine, running to the tree, dropping to one’s knees, and tearing open presents with an insatiable  festive fervor. This joyous morning is fueled with endless zeal, sensory overload, and comforted by a blanket of short attention span, like no other. Some might like to label such behavior ADHD, Absolutely Distracted Holiday Delirium. But from what I have been told by my inside source at the North Pole not named “Curveball”, for any parent who gives their children ADHD drugs on Christmas (or for the 8 days of Chanukah) they (the parent) will be put immediately on the naughty list for a minimum of ten years. Yes according to a reliable source who has contacts at all seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, Santa is a strong advocate for not drugging kids for acting like kids. If you don’t believe me you can write him at the North Pole.

So my wish, and Santa’s wish, is for every child to have a wonderful Christmas that is void of pharmaceutical intervention. Heck, take a moment to read my blog on extending your child’s summer drug holiday and consider taking a 2 week holiday break from ADHD Drugs. You know, allow the kids to wake up Christmas morning and go hog wild opening presents, give them the keys to cognitive freedom, set their imaginations free, and for weeks on end accept the fact that kids are easily distracted by miscellaneous stimuli. My hope is that this will lead to a Christmas miracle for many kids, and inspire adults to say no to ADHD drugs in the New Year. And if you need a little more motivation to take such a chance, please click the video below that my colleague Dr. Peter Breggin graciously sent to me. I hope you find this excerpt from one of my talks to be informative, supportive, and inspiring. And I hope most of all you all have an incredibly Happy New Year. Thanks again for the support! See you next year… Cheers!


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.


  1. I hope your Christmas wish comes true, Michael, and we, as a society (and the for-profit-only psychiatric industry), will stop drugging children for being children. It breaks my heart, and boggles my mind, this is accepted “medical” practice in the US.

    Happy Holidays to all, and Merry Christmas to all who share my belief that the prophesied Jewish messiah to come would be a fool for coming back as a Jew in the future, since He’d have to be crucified, according to the Old Testament, especially since Jesus already did that for all.

    And if there is a God, I personally fear for those within the unrepentant psychiatric stigmatization industry. Since the DSM stigmatization “bible” is truly is the opposite of “treating others as you’d like to be treated,” which is Jesus’ theology.

    Forgive me for believing Jesus’ theology is the one that will ultimately bring about peace on earth. How insane can a person be to hope and pray for such a thing? But I still do, despite psychiatry’s claims such hopes are a “mental illness.”

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  2. If parents only new how well a few Adderals help with those hangovers from excessive holiday eggnog mixed southern comfort there might not be any left for the kids. ADHD pills are the best thing ever for a hangover.

    New years resolution to loose weight ?

    Most parents don’t know Adderall was originally formulated to be a diet pill, its the 1970′s diet aid, known as Orbitrol. Then it was repackaged and sold as Adderall around the time when ADHD was invented in 1987.

    I believe if ALL parents adjusted for body weight and took there child’s dose themselves just once half this child drugging non-sence would be over just like that.

    Merry Christmas and have a speedy new year.

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  3. Not done yet . to fast on the post button, my ADHD ‘impulsivity’ no doubt. One more question.

    Aren’t parents curious how these drugs make kids feel ?

    The only way to really know is to try it yourself. Don’t forget body weight adjustments.

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  4. so your book costs less than 3 adderal pills.

    I think you have just uncovered why ADHD is a popular diagnosis.

    The drug companies have a much bigger marketing budget than you.

    Drugs or books? Which is better? Books obviously – for most things – but not for increasing mulitinationals profits (unless you are Amazon)

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  5. Ah come on Michael, everybody knows their aint no Sanity Clause when it comes to psychiatry and big pharma. (you old enough to remember the Marx Bros? lol)

    Lets hope the Sanity Clause makes it to town in the new year and this madness is stopped.

    Best wishes

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  6. I absolutely loved you Michael while I attended Dr. Peter Breggin’s Empathy Conference in Lansing, MI. The information you provided opened my eyes to the epidemic of ADHD diagnosis. What I wanted to tell you at that conference was that I believe Medicaid is just short for Medication. Only a few days before I heard on our news that Michigan has the highest rate of ADHD. Something we should be very ashamed of. But then, I haven’t come across too many psychiatrists’ or doctors who actually suffer from this – shame. Just look at the number of children in the foster care system. Now, this is a shame.

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