There are no proven treatments of any kind for children or adolescents experiencing psychosis or schizophrenia, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized comparison trials published in PLOS One.
The study was led by researchers from the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health as part of the development of guidelines for psychosis in children, adolescents and young adults.
The researchers examined randomized trials “comparing any pharmacological, psychological, or combined intervention for psychosis and schizophrenia in children, adolescents and young adults”, assessed them for bias, and evaluated them according to a variety of outcomes. They identified twenty-seven trials including 3,067 participants.
They found only “low quality” evidence that antipsychotic medications may have “small beneficial effects on psychotic symptoms.” However, they found strong evidence that these drugs caused significant weight gain and other adverse side effects.
“There were no trials of psychological treatments in under-18 year olds,” they wrote. “There was no evidence of an effect of psychological interventions on psychotic symptoms in an acute episode, or relapse rate.”
“For children, adolescents and young adults, the balance of risk and benefit of antipsychotics appears less favourable than in adults,” they concluded. “Research is needed to establish the potential for psychological treatments, alone and in combination with antipsychotics, in this population.”
Stafford, Megan R., Evan Mayo-Wilson, Christina E. Loucas, Anthony James, Chris Hollis, Max Birchwood, and Tim Kendall. “Efficacy and Safety of Pharmacological and Psychological Interventions for the Treatment of Psychosis and Schizophrenia in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Edited by Inez Myin-Germeys. PLOS ONE 10, no. 2 (February 11, 2015): e0117166. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0117166. (Full text)
Well, this is slightly promising news, perhaps someone needs to go tell Joeseph Biederman that it’s time he stopped growing lactating breasts in little boys with his Risperdal? “Second only to God?” Biederman, no, second only to Satan, sir.
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Oh, and the psychiatric industry should be made aware of the fact that grown adults can suffer the central symptoms of anticholinergic intoxication syndrome (Central symptoms may include memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, hallucinations, psychosis, delirium, hyperactivity, twitching or jerking movements, stereotypy, and seizures.”) Which is almost the exact same symptoms as “schizophrenia,” on as little as .5 mg of Risperdal.
And since a grown adult can be made psychotic on what is the recommended child’s dose of Risperdal, I’m certain children could be made psychotic on this dose of Risperdal, too.
I hope to see an end to the massive drugging of the “bipolar” children, also.
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The reason there is no non drug studies is, drug studies are funded typically as part of profit driving. There is more profit in drugging, and other venues get less attention.
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I agree with you Todd…and it is sad…our government should be watching out for us and helping fund studies that could show what helps…but we live in a corporatocracy in my opinion…this is sad since human beings are not the priority…profits are…
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Yes, we need to break up the oligopolistic industries and go back to a competitive market.
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“comparing any pharmacological, psychological, or combined intervention for psychosis and schizophrenia in children, adolescents and young adults”
Like with SSRIs and suicide? I’m pretty sure that the picture is just as bleak for the older folks.
“They found only “low quality” evidence that antipsychotic medications may have “small beneficial effects on psychotic symptoms.” However, they found strong evidence that these drugs caused significant weight gain and other adverse side effects. ”
followed by:
“Research is needed to establish the potential for psychological treatments, alone and in combination with antipsychotics, in this population.”
So it doesn’t matter that drugs don’t seem to be effective and do cause severe side effects – let’s push them anyway.
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I don’t get why it is legal to prescribe a drug that has little to no positive effects for children and known severe side effects. It makes no sense whatsoever. Should be a crime. It is a crime, but it should be illegal and punishable by prison and loss of medical license.
— Steve
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The story of my drug withdrawal induced super sensitivity manic psychosis is that Jesus called judgement day and declared that all the doctors were going to hell.
Now that I have researched the industry, and understand their “dirty little secret” and that at most all they seem to know is “how to be dangerous,” I understand why Jesus supposedly said that.
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