Company Suing to Prevent Increased Drug Trial Transparency


Richmond Pharmacology, a company that conducts clinical drug trials for pharmaceutical companies, is taking legal action against the UK Health Research Authority to try to halt government efforts to bring greater public transparency to drug trials, reported The Guardian.

“It is shocking that a company is using court action to try to stop transparency,” SĂ­le Lane of Sense About Science told The Guardian and stated on AllTrials. “Hidden and unregistered trials are compromising patient care, and, rightly, causing public outrage. The HRA has really led the way with its proposals to check that clinical trials aren’t kept hidden during the trial approval process. Hundreds of members of the public, patients, researchers, doctors and pharmacists have told the HRA that this is exactly what it should be doing. They want the HRA to help right the injustice done to the thousands of patients who have taken part in clinical trials that have been kept hidden. I find it deplorable that one company is trying to stop that.”

Drug trials firm to challenge plans for greater transparency over results (The Guardian, May 18, 2015)

Company using court action to stop transparency (AllTrials, May 18, 2015)


  1. Yep take it court to try and hide the truth for as long as possible. I was told Zolft didnt have any possibility of harming an unborn baby……. CORRECT interpretation? Zoloft never got tested on ANYONE PREGNANT. I was one of thousands of guinea pigs, all lied to. WILL MEET THE BASTARDS IN HELL ONE DAY.

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