Healthline reports that as five second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) lose patent protection, Medicaid expenditures for antipsychotics are projected to be cut in half over the next five years. But some worry that the decrease in spending may lead policymakers to lift existing restrictions on antipsychotics at a time when most SGAs are prescribed to children for off-label reasons.
It’s nice to know that the price of a drug is affecting the supposedly scientific and medical decisions on whether to allow prescribing them to a given population. I feel so much safer knowing that.
Poor Medicaid: It may get even easier initially for Medicaid to turn clients into life-long zombies who will consume state resources for life, paradoxically costing taxpayers more in the long run.
This is just a disgusting reflection of the evil society in which we currently live. “Experts hope more affordable versions of these drugs will help policymakers lift restrictions on antipsychotic medications.”
And these need to be lifted because “67 percent of Medicaid payment claims for second generation antipsychotics represent quality of care concerns.” Including 50% poorly monitored, 41% “involved ‘wrong treatment,'” and 1/3 “involved children on too many drugs.”
Only “8 percent of the drugs were given for medically accepted reasons.” The “vast majority of Medicaid funded antipsychotics were going to children for treatment not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”
And this after the United Nations confessed that “forced psychiatric treatment is torture.” All these governmently controlled children are being tortured. What is the matter with the “experts” in this country, and our government? They’ve all lost their minds.