“Curing Naughty Children With Drugs”


Dr. Max Pemberton “The Mind Doctor” weighs in on the Cochrane review which questioned the evidence for Ritalin for ADHD. He writes: “History is littered with treatments that any decent doctor would be horrified by today. We used to treat schizophrenia by overdosing patients on insulin so they went into a coma. Migraines were ‘cured’ by drilling holes in people’s heads. Frankly, I think the way we treat ADHD will look every bit as appalling to our successors.”

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  1. I’m glad this points out the problem with lack of parental care being the root cause of child angst, I agree this is likely the case in some instances. But I have heard many more stories of schools requiring child drugging, than parents requiring children be drugged. It may be a parental problem, but we do have a real problem with our educational system today as well.

    Either way, it’s appalling that our society is massively drugging small children. “History is littered with treatments that any decent doctor would be horrified by today … Frankly, I think the way we treat ADHD will look every bit as appalling to our successors.” I’m appalled already. Please stop defaming and drugging small children, doctor. What is wrong with you?

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