“Big Pharma Settlements Highlight the Need for Tougher Enforcement”


“Stronger enforcement is needed to deter pharmaceutical manufacturers from continuing to break the law and defraud federal and state health programs, according to a Public Citizen report released yesterday. The report – an update to a previous study released in 2012 with additional data through 2015 – catalogues all major financial settlements and court judgments between pharmaceutical companies and federal and state governments from 1991 through 2015, which totaled $35.7 billion.”

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  1. Our government has won “$35.7 billion from financial settlements and court judgments between pharmaceutical companies and federal and state governments from 1991 through 2015.” Yet they refuse to give disability payments out to those who’ve suffered iatrogenic harm during that time, due to pharmaceutical drugs. But they’re happy to give out disability payments to those who claim to have the scientifically invalid “mental illnesses.” Is this rational? Or just?

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    • You’re right. I can’t think of a worse kind of victim to be, other than a rape victim. I don’t mean in terms of suffering. That can be huge in all kinds crime, malpractice, and accidents. I mean in how we are received. And the statutes of limitations do not consider the unique case of people whose brains are disabled.

      My doctor harmed me
      –Doctors help people
      Their drugs destroyed me
      –Millions of people take them
      They’re being harmed
      –Now you sound crazy
      I’m not crazy
      –You’re not bipolar?
      No, not at all. That was the drugs and a sadly ignorant doctor
      –I don’t see how the FDA would approve mental health drugs that cause mental illness.
      Cardiac drugs don’t cause heart attacks.
      Atenolol does.

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