Research in Translational Psychiatry finds that childhood maltreatment and trauma predict a greater likelihood of developing chronic depression, and a reduced likelihood of responding to treatment in the form of antidepressant medication. The researchers recommend increased consideration of trauma issues in relation to depression, and therapies that address the trauma issues along with the current experience of depression.
Of further interest:
Past child abuse may influence adult response to antidepressants (Reuters)
I can tell you one thing about childhood trauma.
It turns you into a hater, if you are lucky you can channel it into fighting something worth hating but it never goes away.
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This is important news. Though it shouldn’t be news. It’s kind of obvious, really.
—- Steve
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I agree, but I’m glad it’s been published, as the mother of a child who was abused at the age of three / four.
And the truth is it should be blatently obvious that symptoms of abuse in a child, or concerns of child abuse on the part of a mother, is a evidence of a crime, not evidence of a brain disease. But obviously, based upon my experience, and more importantly on the percentage of those labled with DSM disorders who are child abuse or ACEs survivors. It’s not remotely obvious to the psychiatric practitioners that symptoms or concerns of child abuse are evidence of a crime, they think it’s proof of a brain disease. Perhaps it true, the least insightful people in our society went into the psychiatric field?
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