An investigative report in the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel explores the pharmaceutical industries involvement in the creation of the ‘mental illness’ known as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder or PMDD. “On their own, they determined PMDD was a distinct clinical disorder and declared that a class of antidepressant drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors — a group including Prozac — were effective at treating it.”
Sexist men have sometimes insulted women who got angry at them by claiming it was their periods. I think psychiatry and the pharmaceutical corporations have used the “PMS” label to pathologize women. In the Victorian era, patriarchal psychiatry pathogized women as “suffering from hysteria”.
Read the book They Call You Crazy. A bunch of rich, white men voted a bunch of “mental diseases” that only women get into existence for the DSM5.