Is School Driving Kids Literally Crazy?


From FEE: School may have a negative impact on children’s and teens’ mental health: children’s psychiatric emergency room visits drop precipitously over the summer and increase greatly during the school year.

“…generalized anxiety and depression are skyrocketing in children. Dr. Gray maintains that much of this rise in anxiety and depression in children is due to lengthier, more restrictive schooling over the past several decades. He writes:

‘Children today spend more hours per day, days per year, and years of their life in school than ever before. More weight is given to tests and grades than ever. Outside of school, children spend more time than ever in settings in which they are directed, protected, catered to, ranked, judged, and rewarded by adults. In all of these settings adults are in control, not children.'”

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  1. How US Public Schools Have Come to Increasingly Resemble Prisons Instead of Learning Centers

    That might explain it.

    They look like prisons too, I was driving through a neighboring town and saw some new construction this building with these real high walls and little windows and said that is an odd place to build a prison but my buddy said that is going to be the new high-school.

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  2. The Compliance Factories

    Public schools are the most important part of this project. Schools are structured to inculcate strict obedience and reverence for authority in children. As the author and veteran teacher John Taylor Gatto put it:

    “The truth is that schools don’t really teach anything except how to obey orders.”

    Every day of the schoolchild’s life is strictly regimented, with bells and assigned movements from one room/cell/pen to another, like in a prison or a factory farm. And with the advent of metal detectors, barred windows, isolation rooms, resource officers, security guards, and cops on campus, to add to their “institutional” architecture, public schools are looking more like prisons than ever.

    Such students who do not conform, and especially those who exhibit defiance, are liable to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), as well, nowadays, as ODD, and then made to take psychotropic drugs that lobotomize their youthful spirit, replacing it with a “school appropriate” tractable torpor. As George Will has written:

    “If 7-year-old Mozart tried composing his concertos today, he might be diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and medicated into barren normality.”

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