On May 2nd, 2017, the International Association Against Psychiatric Assault (IAAPA) staged a demonstration in Berlin to commemorate the psychiatric mass murders in Nazi Germany and resist ongoing present-day forced psychiatry. Click here to view a report and pictures of the event.
The Psychiatric Holocaust remains in Place. Part of the procesd involves a “Subhuman” stigmatisation.
I attempted suicide again and again on psychiatric drugs. After many years of recovery I investigated my records and found my “akathisia” complaints had been suppressed in records.
I did complain to the Irish Medical Council and my former Consultant Psychiatrist responded with fairly lame excuses. The Irish Medical Council swallowed the excuses whole and let him off the hook. It was as if they thought he was doing something funny.
What I mean is, to conduct a Holocaust you need to see the people you kill, as subhuman.