Gabapentin: A New Target for Abuse


From STAT: Gabapentin, a drug that acts as a sedative and is also used to treat conditions including nerve pain, epilepsy, restless leg syndrome, and alcoholism, is the fifth most prescribed drug in the nation. Misuse of Gabapentin is becoming increasingly prevalent, presenting a new obstacle for addiction treatment professionals.

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  1. I took gabapentin for well over a decade for supposed fibromyalgia. While it does cause physical dependence and I became very ill trying to withdraw – several attempts resulted in gabapentin withdrawal syndrome -, I *never* got high. I can’t even imagine it making someone high. I’m trying to but drawing a blank. In fact, my doctor bent over backward telling me how benign it was when he first prescribed it. What are they doing, snorting it? I’m still struggling to see how it could make someone high.

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  2. Its going to become a feedback loop snowball now with people Googling gabapentin and stories coming up that if you take alot it might get you high so then more people start abusing leading to more stories about people abusing it that more people find.

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