World Mental Health Day


In this piece written in honor of World Mental Health DayPeter Kinderman emphasizes the importance of challenging the biomedical model of mental health and paying closer attention to social factors that lead to distress.

“To promote genuine mental health and wellbeing, we therefore need to protect and promote universal human rights, as enshrined in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Because experiences of neglect, rejection and abuse are hugely important in the genesis of many problems, we need to redouble our efforts to protect children from emotional, physical or sexual abuse and neglect. More generally, if we are serious about preventing mental health problems from developing, and about promoting genuine psychological well-being, we must work collectively to create a more humane society: to reduce or eliminate poverty, especially childhood poverty, and to reduce financial and social inequalities.”

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  1. Dear Peter Kidderman,

    I had to come off these medications in 1984 with great difficulty to make my Recovery:-

    These drugs had been causing Suicidal Reaction (Akathisia) and Extrapyrammidal Debility.

    When I came off the drugs I suffered from “High Anxiey” Withdrawal Syndrome, and to survive with this I discovered how to let my emotions subside before I looked at problems (a bit like Eckhart Tolle in the Power of the Now).

    I didn’t become Enlightened as a result – But I did survive as a consistently Well person in the Long-term.

    I wrote to my doctors in Ireland on November 8 1986 requesting them to send ADR Warning over to the UK concerning the medications that had nearly killed me.

    (There was a postal strike in Ireland at the time, and an Irish friend of mine (from london) dropped the letter in by hand).

    I discovered in 2012 from my FOI requested notes that my Irish Doctors on November 24 1986 had sent a M H Record Summary on me to the UK intentionally OMMITTING Requested ADR Warning (and representing me in the negative).

    The handwritten 1986 ADR Warning Request letter was (to be found) at the very back of the FOI requested notes.

    Doctors from Ireland had also sent me a letter of False Reassurance in November 1986 (wishing me well in the future).

    On one hand the University (managing the ‘Unit’ where I had received treatment), and Researching solutions for “Serious Mental Illness”:-

    1. Were Denying Options of Full Recovery through non drug means.

    On the other hand:

    2. Were (probably) knowingly Killing their Patients – For Money:

    €9.6 million from the manufacturer.

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  2. World Mental Health Day, AKA World Mental Health Fraud Day, is a big part of the problem.

    Cease funding “mental health treatment” fraud, and start funding social change and social justice. Jobs programs, legal aid, education, affirmative action, etc.

    Pop the “mental health” fraud bubble, and people are people again rather than biological or behavioral anomalies.

    More money to the buzzards who swoop down on the unfortunate (i.e. people’s who make their living (fortune) off the misfortune of others)? Heavens, no. End this parasitism, and you solve the problem. Multiple problems as it were.

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