Antidepressant Prescriptions for Children on the Rise


From BBC News: The number of antidepressants prescribed to children in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland has risen over the past three years, figures obtained by BBC’s File on 4 reveal.

In England, there was a 15% rise. Scotland saw a 10% increase. And in Northern Ireland, the number rose by 6%. In total, there were 950,000 prescriptions issued between April 2015 and March 2018. Experts have linked the rise to waits for specialist mental health services. Antidepressants should be prescribed to children only under close supervision.

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  1. It’s simply outrageous. Cipriani says they don’t work in under 18s, nice says only prosac (lol) might just do something, and the so called royal college tries to put a gloss that “well at least more people are getting treated”. Mistreated more like. Our camhs psychiatrist didn’t even know sertraline wasn’t licensed for depression in under 18’s, let alone that it’s useless, but still wanted to max the dose. Clueless and callous.

    Stop performing chemical experiments on the developing brain for heaven’s sake.

    It’s all bullshit and camhs psychiatrists have no flipping idea what they are doing.

    Try confronting one with the evidence they capitulate like a soufflé.

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