Announcing New Critical Psychology and Social Practice Website


From Critical Psychology and Social Practice: “Scholars in critical psychology have demonstrated how the dominant ‘scientific’ and applied psychologies (and psychologists, therapists, and counselors) have directly and indirectly sustained social injustice. We identify this injustice in social systems characterized by dehumanizing violence, colonialism/coloniality, exploitation, and social exclusion – each channeled by classism, sexism, racism, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination and domination. We also expose and condemn the ideological matrices that support militarism, the prison-industrial complex, consumerism, police brutality, and environmental destruction, to name a few. And, closest to psychology itself, we critique and challenge a wide range of abuses and human rights violations in what is known as the psy-complex (psychiatry, diagnostic procedures, psychological assessment practices in education and the workplace, and so on). Demonstrating exactly how these forms of collusion and direct participation in oppression and ideological processes work is part of the task of critical psychologies. Beyond critique, however, is the challenge of developing practices and action that disrupt and transform these structures of domination…

This website is a collective project designed to help ensure maximum access to resources related to critical psychology, liberation psychology, and kindred perspectives in the human sciences…Here you may search for links to publications, conferences, research projects, groups and associations, videos of lectures, podcasts, etc. You are also invited to help build our database by uploading links to resources in any of these categories. If we all help out a bit, we will soon have a useful clearinghouse of resources for scholarship and action.”

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