Water Withheld as “Punishment” at Mayo, Ireland Mental Health Facility


From Independent.ie: “Patients in a long-stay HSE-run mental health facility had to bang on the window of a nurses’ station to ask for a drink of water after restrictions were imposed on their access to fluids, a damning inspection report has revealed.

Water was also withheld as a ‘punishment’ for some challenging behaviour.

The report on Teach Aisling, in Castlebar, Co. Mayo, revealed the nurses’ station had closed blinds and there was no other way patients who were desperate for water could get their attention.

Patients in one of the locked areas were without a ready supply of fresh drinking water.

A water ban was also imposed as a ‘punishment’ for challenging behaviour as part of a programme for one resident, inspectors from the Mental Health Commission revealed. The inspectors had serious concerns at the failure to provide therapeutic services and also the absence of recreational activities and resources.

Chief inspector Dr. Susan Finnerty, who published five reports yesterday, warned: ‘Some of our most vulnerable citizens are looked after in these approved centres and they are failing in a number of key areas.'”

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  1. When I was first introduced into psychiatry in 1987 I also was deprived of water. Besides being tied to a bed. Besides being poisoned called medicine (by jailor-hospital worker) that made me incredibly thirsty.

    Any expression of anger from the “help”was viewed as “sickness” and psychosis because they were giving medicine and help to the unfortunate “patient”.

    So you get more poison-medicine from your prison guard- hospital worker.

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