Pouring Billions Into Treating Mental Illness Doesn’t Add Up


From The Times of London: “‘Treatment.’ Does it actually work? How well? When politicians wrap themselves in the flag of ‘increased spending on mental health,’ what treatments are they actually talking about? Do we know how much they achieve? What do they cost? […]

[…] does the use of medicalese to describe what may simply be unusually striking instances of common human qualities and responses encourage us to reach too easily for a mental ‘disorder’ to blame? The Times reported yesterday the results of a survey of more than 9,000 young people which suggests that one in four young women ‘has mental illness.’ So the state is called in. And soon politicians are congratulating themselves for ‘recognising the scourge’ of mental illness, and demanding an NHS ‘parity of esteem’ between those sick in mind and those sick in body. And the cost mounts. And it’s unclear whether the benefits follow. Is anyone in government really thinking this through? […]

We should never be unkind. We should always be ready to listen and to comfort. We must not airily dismiss. And if drugs of proven efficacy can sometimes help, we should not rule these out. Beyond this, though, and until a proper science worthy of the name can point the way, we should be cautious about throwing too much money at too speculative a profession. In our understanding of the mind and treatment of the mind, we are still in the Dark Ages. Results, please, first.”

Article →


  1. this…may be part of what eventually destroys psychiatry as we know it. Something as simple as the demand for solid evidence before the next round of lobbying for more funding…sounds basic, right? It is, of course. Most of us (all of us?) here on MIA also know that a call for real evidence could be a very real, very profound leap towards the end game.

    I read somewhere recently…(more) progressive values/morals have taken hold over the masses gradually. Much of this talk of the US “culture wars” is really coming from a reactionary, dogmatic segment of the 1%. Anyway…what if the same forces that have reduced the powers of organized religion in many modern, more affluent 21st century nations are now at work with the state sponsored death cult that is Mental Health, Inc.?

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  2. OK, it’s not exactly a pay-wall, but the article linked to above can ONLY be read by “starting your free trial”.
    So no, I haven’t actually read the article, but I can sure begin to comment on it….
    First, the author seems to be bemoaning the huge “cost” of “mental health treatment”. But what is never asked in these types of articles is *who* *gets* those $millions$? It sure ain’t the poor “mental patient”.
    “Mental Health, Inc”, as “yeah_i_survived”, above, calls it, is largely a type of employment agency. As good jobs in industry are outsourced and offshored, "Mental Health Inc." picks up the slack by employing folks who would otherwise be working as supervisors or admins. in jobs which now no longer exist here. And, the stress creates more "mental patients", which also means more psych drug $ale$. Truly the "government" has NO incentive to reduce so-called "mental illness", or to ease human suffering. Or to reduce to HUGE sums of money spent on it. Why should they? It's all *funny*money*, anyway….
    Psychiatry is a pseudoscience, a drug racket, and a means of social control. It's 21st Century phrenology with potent neuro-toxins. Psychiatry has done, and continues to do, far more harm than good….
    WAKE UP, PEOPLE! GET OFF the DRUGS! I guess yelling at the choir isn't any more efficacious than preaching to them….

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    • The taxpayer pays for the drugs and for the disability the drugs cause, while the drug company makes a profit.

      It is a type of “slush fund” or “money transfer” system but a lot of politicians end up eventually as millionaires; and if they were to “buck the system” they might get nowhere.

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  3. I thought that Matthew Parris’ article was good. He was mildly critical of ECT, suggesting that “systematic evidence of success is thin”. So someone wrote into The Times saying that there had been double-blind randomised controlled trails (I don’t know who as I don’t have a subscription to The Times) and that the inventor of convulsive therapy Meduna should rank up there with the greats of medicine.
    And then in the Guardian yesterday there was a more traditional article about waiting times in mental health services for young people
    Someone from a charity was quoted as saying: “Every child who reaches out for support should be able to get the help they need”. Who could argue with that? But no-one ever says what they mean by “support” and “help”.

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    In October of 2012 I discovered my name on a Severe Mental Illness Register at My GP Surgery at London W2.

    I made an appointment with my GP, and discussed my 26 years of Wellness in the UK plus my Historical Irish MH Experience with my him. I showed him the 1986 Adverse Drug Reaction Warning Request Letter and Demonstrated to him, the complete Absence of any Adverse Drug Reaction Warning on the 1986 Irish Record Summary, the historical Malpractice from Ireland. By the end of the interview my GP s shirt was saturated and sticking to his body – he was terrified.

    My GP then Guaranteed me the Removal of *Schizophrenia from my Records 3 times in writing, and the Removal of my name from the SMI Register:-




    A month later by chance I discovered “Schizophrenia” still on the GP information system. So I complained to my GP about this. My GP in Response presented me with a signed letter on practice paper, completely contradicting his previous 3 written guarantees; and placing Full Confidence in my Historical Irish Psychiatrist (below).


    I then complained to the General Medical Council as I considered my GP s behaviour to be unacceptable. But in May of 2013 the GMC politely refused to proceed with my complaint. They stated that in their opinion that the doctors behaviour would not affect their ability to work safely.



    My GP was involved in a Patient Homicide in July 2013:-


    I believe my GP was at this time suffering from Traumatic Stress Disorder, and that this should have been obvious to the General Medical Council.

    Near Fatal Modecate Experience Pg 1

    Near Fatal Modecate Experience Pg 2

    SUICIDAL AKATHISIA RESEARCH PAPER 1983. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/16313058_Suicide_Associated_with_Akathisia_and_Depot_Fluphenazine_Treatment

    WELLNESS PRESENTATION ON ADMISSION AT GALWAY IN NOV 1980 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0zhbh8V4MBANjBTZEtkbjBhMkU/view?usp=drivesdk

    The “medications” I was given Every Day for two months were: 100 mg Haloperidol per day; 1000 mg of Largactil per day; 50 mg of modecate per month; and ECT and Lithium towards the end of my stay:-

    Daily Drugs Chart example 1

    Daily Drugs Chart example 2

    Dr of Psychology goes MAD on a lot less. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IlzqwNraKOFLxIU7TjC2tCMTh1fB6tu4/view?usp=drivesdk

    Prognosis was Guarded.

    DISABLED + SUICIDAL 1981 – 1984
    Between 1981 and 1984 I experienced 2 Suicide Attempts and a series of Suicidal Hospitalizations + Years of Extrapyramidal Disability.

    By 1983 I was Diagnosed as Chronically Schizophrenic.

    By 1984 I was Diagnosed as *Schizoaffective and “Prognosed” as completely Hopeless.

    RECOVERY + WELLNESS 1984 – 2018
    I made Full Recovery in 1984 as a Result of carefully tapering from the Modecate Depot Injection with the help of Practical, Inexpensive Psychotherapy – and I handed back my Disability cheque (permanently).

    Recovered 1

    Recovered 2

    1985/86 Irish Psychiatrist Registers as a Non Specialist Doctor in Ontario

    Adverse Drug Reaction Warning Request Letter sent to Galway Nov. 8 1986

    ADR Warning Request ltr Pg 1

    ADR Warning Request ltr Pg 2

    ADR Warning Request Ltr Pg 3

    Irish Record Summary Sent To UK In Response:- but WITHOUT Requested ADR WARNING

    1986 Irish Record Summary Pg 1

    1986 Irish Record Summary Pg 2

    Doctors False Reasurrance Letter Nov 1986

    “Depot Antipsychotic Revisited Research Paper 1998” From Galway Psychiatrist


    4 out of 10 of the people on these drugs attempt Suicide.

    € 9.6 million from Bristol Myers Squibb http://www.nuigalway.ie/our-research/partners/

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