I Lost Direction, Forgot the Way Home – Fighting ECT


From Israel Hayom: “Regarding the safety issue of the treatment, petitioners claim that the use of the word ‘rare’ to describe the risk of brain damage and loss of memory due to ECT is misleading, since without a standard and universal protocol for supervision and performance, and without routine assessment and monitoring of every patient, there will be never be a real clear indication of the prevalence of brain damage.

This is in addition to the fact that, to date, researchers have never followed patients for more than six months from the end of treatment to detect or identify cognitive impairment”. One of the key requirements of this petition is to conduct comprehensive pre-treatment and subsequent testing to detect adverse events ahead of time and prevent a condition of serious or irreversible damages.”



  1. Well, The “ECT” dialogue is most akin to other dialogues and creates a focus on ONE THING. Just like the focus on police brutality.
    It works out perfectly for psychiatry, since it’s no biggy for them to drop the “ECT” and keep the more “invisible” harms advancing to even greater and greater harms.
    In fact, psychiatry sees more jobs opening since the police brutality has made headlines.

    None of any bits of psychiatry ever had anything to do with “therapy”

    We can only revolt and keep revolting.

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    • This reminded me of a comic strip I once read Sam

      It was the King in the Wizard of Id being told that “the peasants are revolting”. He looked out of his window down on the condition they were living in and stated “Yes, they are revolting”.

      Lets hope they misunderstand the groundswell that is growing right under the shadow of their big noses at present.

      As far as ECT goes, the process of investigation into the harmful effects is about as effective as the investigations our police do into unlawful killings. Any evidence that doesn’t suit is ignored, and legal protections are overcome via the ‘planting’ of evidence to deceive the courts into wrongful convictions. In the meantime the money is bleeding from the taxpayer funded insurance system into the Headbanging Docs bank account.

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  2. I had several interesting chats with a shock doc, one with an ominous message. He wasn’t a shrink by training and was moving to a small rural hospital where he was hoping to treat cerebral allergies with water fasting and rotation diets (he was also familiar with orthomolecular therapy- I was referred by members of a schizophrenia association). And he did tell me how to adjust my B3 use.
    The ominous message was that the hospital mavens thought fasting and dietary modification was too dangerous and exotic to be practiced at their institution, a general hospital- but ECT was apparently fine (I think he did them all at his previous place of employment). I was lucky as he was only in the area a few days, hoping to set up an office, so my visits were free.

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