Why Grooming Is So Hard to Spot: The Truth


From the VictimFocus Blog: “Over the past 10 years or so, there has been increasing interest in teaching children and women to ‘spot the signs’ of grooming. This article will explain why this approach doesn’t work, and why grooming should be reframed as a common, normal human behaviour that we all engage in . . .

My key points will be:

1. We have defined ‘grooming’ to be too narrow

2. Grooming happens constantly, to all of us, and by all of us

3. Professionals are expert groomers

4. Victims of abuse need to know that grooming is common and constant

5. Grooming is hard to ‘spot’ because we are all socialised to accept grooming in everyday life – it is unfair to expect women and children to be able to do this.”

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  1. Excellent article, not that “professionals” will learn anything or actually want to admit to this. No one says, “Oh gee, I’m an imposter, I’m really a guy with normal hangups that chose a profession because my brain cells had to have something to do in order to make a living

    And it also begs the question, Why do we use the word “professional”? The real meaning:
    (profession) “a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.”
    (professional) “engaged in a specified activity as one’s main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.”

    But when we use the word professional in everyday speech, we attach a meaning to it, as to be someone that behaves ethically, honestly and is knowledgeable in their tasks. As in, “no I would not pull a stunt like that, I’m a professional”

    The worst grooming happens in the homes where psychiatrists are raised and further more at their schools and in residency, by which time I believe every doctor and the psychiatrist knows that they will indeed be participating in something dishonest.
    And I include ‘doctors” because they are absolutely not even close to what they originally started out as. They are now involved in politics, politics of their colleges and colleagues and psychiatry who dominates and grooms them.

    There are reasons why the medical profession is not happy but there is no way in hell they will ever leave their crap jobs. It used to be looked at as an “elite” job, but I think we all know that they find out it is not so. People do not respect liars and guys who are mostly concerned with their jobs. So they take their frustrations out on their clients.

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  2. I agree, “mental health professionals” as a group are groomers. I also agree, “Grooming happens constantly, to all of us, and by all of us.” So why some people, who claim to know absolutely nothing about the common adverse effects of the products they force onto other people, insist in calling themselves “professionals,” I’m not certain.

    It strikes me, those who know nothing about the common adverse effects of the drugs they force onto others, are the opposite of “professional.”

    As someone who has successfully worked in sales in many areas, but my favorite was kitchen/bath design. Where I could listen to my client, and design something better than they could ever dream up. And provide them with a design/end product that would benefit them for years. Because I knew more about the best of what is available in my field of specialty, than my clients. And I would intentionally create designs that were safe for my clients.

    One must question why those who work in the “mental health” field, who now claim to know nothing about the common adverse effects of the drugs they push, insist on calling themselves “professionals.” While they claim the rest of us, who actually do provide services others appreciate and are safe, are the “mentally ill.” I do agree, the “mental health” industry is full of disingenuous groomers.

    But I don’t agree that people cannot learn, and see these self proclaimed “professionals” as the frauds, and the scum of the universe, that they actually are. I personally will never again innately trust a psychologist or psychiatrist, or any doctor ever again. But I do know there are good doctors.

    Personally I believe the “mental health” profession is destroying the credibility of all the doctors. And the mainstream doctors should be running as far as possible away from the scientific fraud based “mental health professionals.” Who are, in reality, about as un-professional as people can get. Since they claim to be ignorant of the common adverse effects of the drugs they force and coerce onto innocent others.

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  3. Excellent article, not that “professionals” will learn anything or actually want to admit to this. No one says, “Oh gee, I’m an imposter, I’m really a guy with normal hangups that chose a profession because my brain cells had to have something to do in order to make a living

    And it also begs the question, Why do we use the word “professional”? The real meaning:
    (profession) “a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.”
    (professional) “engaged in a specified activity as one’s main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.”

    But when we use the word professional in everyday speech, we attach a meaning to it, as to be someone that behaves ethically, honestly and is knowledgeable in their tasks. As in, “no I would not pull a stunt like that, I’m a professional”

    The worst grooming happens in the homes where psychiatrists are raised and further more at their schools and in residency, by which time I believe every doctor and the psychiatrist knows that they will indeed be participating in something dishonest.
    And I include ‘doctors” because they are absolutely not even close to what they originally started out as. They are now involved in politics, politics of their colleges and colleagues and psychiatry who dominates and grooms them.

    There are reasons why the medical profession is not happy but there is no way in hell they will ever leave their crap jobs. It used to be looked at as an “elite” job, but I think we all know that they find out it is not so. People do not respect liars and guys who are mostly concerned with their jobs. So they take their frustrations out on their clients.

    Ant to boot, it’s not just about “grooming”, but grooming to engage in something false, to engage in pure prejudice on a legal and blessed level. While the people suffer, the one “helping” grooms them to partake of their intercourse. It is raping of mind.

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