Chemical Restraints ‘May Be Abuse’


From 7 News Australia: “The use of psychotropic drugs as a chemical restraint to control behaviours in people with intellectual disabilities may constitute abuse or neglect, a royal commission has heard.

Consultant pharmacist Manya Angley told the commission that she strongly believed psychotropics were both over-used and misused in Australia.

She said unless such drugs, which could include anti-psychotics, were prescribed as a last resort, then the person had been denied their right to proper intervention and care.”

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  1. “The use of psychotropic drugs as a chemical restraint to control behaviours in” any person constitutes abuse and torture. Especially if the antipsychotics are used, since they can create the negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome. And they can also create the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia,” like “psychosis,” via antipsychotic induced anticholinergic toxidrome.

    And making any person “psychotic,” with the neuroleptic/antipsychotic drugs, is both abuse of medical knowledge, and torture of the client. Since all doctors were taught about anticholinergic toxidrome in med school.

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  2. Anti-psychotics are appallingly overused here in Australia, even in people with no disability. People in aged care homes, anyone labelled with “psychiatric disorder” and anyone who a doctor simply doesn’t like, is likely to have these highly dangerous drugs forced on them.

    Olanzapine, forced on me after admission as an involuntary psych patient, made my life a living (psychotic) hell – I was 50 and had never been “psychotic” in my life before. It was horrendous to come off, but thankfully, over 10 years down the track, I seem to have recovered OK apart from the PTSD resulting from the medical abuse I suffered.

    These drugs should be withdrawn from the market as they are dangerous and ineffective and used almost exclusively as chemical straightjackets. They absolutely preclude any form of appropriate assistance being delivered to a person in any form of distress, physical or emotional.

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