New Mom Held in Psych Unit Urges B.C. to Protect Rights of ‘Mentally Ill’


From CBC: “A week after giving birth to her daughter, Shareen Nimmo was forced to enter a psychiatric facility without being informed of her rights or having access to independent legal advice.

Nimmo, 38, still feels the sting of the trauma she endured on March 27, 2019, when police officers and paramedics arrived at her home and took her to hospital.

‘I’ll remember that for the rest of my life,’ she said, crying . . . ‘To treat someone who’s at their most vulnerable and ill and not doing well in such a harsh way is so much worse than the illness itself.”

Involuntary detention is permitted in Canada but, unlike most of the country, British Columbia does not provide patients with legal representation — which the ombudsperson wants changed in the Mental Health Act.”

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  1. What is dangerous is to make the public think there is some form of treatment going on. I would be much more worried about what happens after “treatments” and that is something the news is silenced on by psychiatry. Supports should be in place, not incarcerations, not crazy chemicals that cause distress, let alone the distress of having a baby taken away.
    People can think what they want, but taking babies away from distressed moms is not making any issues better. It simply leads to a breakdown and legacy.

    Besides that, BC and Canada is pretty draconian and stuck as other nations are in not being able to know what distress is, how it manifests, under what conditions, and psychiatry takes over where many failures began. Psychiatry is the farthest from actually being solution based and this is where it is important that people begin to have awareness of that and to quit wasting billions on it and pharma, and start sticking it into real solutions and supports.

    The solution of sticking a “mother” into the home, to live with the new mom and baby, for a time… to show how to mother and address issues, sounds expensive, but it really is not when you add it up.
    That is the road for the betterment of future families. The present systems, the old systems have NOT worked.
    Perhaps it is time to educate people who will be called “mothers”, to be ready to be sent home with those who never had one, yet have a new baby. Not to analyze the new moms, but to build confidence, to build connections.
    This might sound utopian and wishful, so we better not give that a try, and stick with the true and tried methods of “diagnosis”, “drugs”, and forced incarcerations. Better yet, do not engage with the encarcerated or ask their opinion, because they know nothing. Ask the experts and go with their opinions.

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  2. A nursing mother of a one week old is likely getting next to no sleep. Getting no sleep affects one’s mental state, and can even result in “psychosis.” But this is a temporary problem, and the “invalid” “bipolar disorder” is supposedly a “life long, incurable, genetic illness.”

    I do agree, however, it is traumatic to be a woman who has five giant paramedics drag you out of the comfort of your own bed in the middle of the night, while the sixth paramedic tells the other five that what they are doing is illegal. Because “the woman is neither a danger to herself, nor anyone else.”

    But I’m quite certain the psych drugs are not good for a nursing mother and her baby. I’m quite certain taking a nursing mother away from a one week old infant for two weeks is also psychologically traumatic for the baby. I hope Nimmo learns quickly that “bipolar” was confessed to be an “invalid” disorder by the head of NIMH in 2013 quickly, for both her and her child’s sake.

    And I hope she has read Whitaker’s “Anatomy of an Epidemic,” and knows the antidepressants can make a person “manic,” resulting in a “bipolar” misdiagnosis, which technically is no longer a misdiagnosis, according to the DSM5.

    But, let’s be realistic, creating “mental illnesses” in people with the psych drugs is NOT “helping” another person, it’s “harming” another person. And an iatrogenic illness is not a “genetic” illness, as “bipolar” is fraudulently claimed to be.

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  3. Her serum copper’s likely to be high in these circumstances, leading to a depressed mood that probably can’t be successfully treated with antipsychotics, ECT, etc., although zinc and B6 will likely be therapeutic (which the shrinks will ignore as they “know” vitamins and minerals have nothing to do with your mental functioning).

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