From Scientific American: In light of reports of surging mental distress during the pandemic, John Horgan interviews Robert Whitaker about how his views have evolved since publishing Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America in 2010.
Excellent top notch interview minus the term “activist”.
I’m glad to see that you kicked that to the curb Robert.
The work you’ve done and continue to do is of utmost
value. It is work for the betterment of society on a global scale
which I think is phenomenal achievement.-
Thank you Sam for your encouragement upon reading this excellent article -Hooray!- and also Kermit’s blog. Much appreciated. Louisa
Great interview, in a mainstream publication, Robert. Thank you for all you do.
I imagine, Bob, that many folks would love to see the debate surrounding and criticism of psychiatry banned and shamed just as debate and criticism of some topics (Gender ideology) have been banned here at MIA. They say that in the course of liberation, one mustn’t become like one’s oppressor. – Nelson Mandela
KS, excellent.
I was glad to see that Robert said his views are ongoing and evolving.
So far, we have not seen presentation that psychiatry and it’s many tentacles
combined with pharm are anything positive.
Wow! Great mainstream coverage of this issue! Well done!
that was great man.thanks for this.