Mental Health Act Reforms Aim to Tackle High Rate of Black People Sectioned


From The Guardian: “Black people are more than four times more likely to be detained under the act and more than 10 times more likely to be subject to a community treatment order.

The package of reforms includes piloting culturally appropriate advocates . . . [and] will also ensure neither autism nor a learning disability are grounds for detention under the act and improve access to community-based mental health support to prevent avoidable sections.

The proposals have been welcomed by mental health advocates, who have described it as an important step forward to treating people with respect and dignity.

Sarah Hughes, Centre for Mental Health chief executive, said: ‘The need for change could not be clearer. Every year, the number of people who are sectioned grows. While we know this can save lives, increasing use of coercion can also cause lasting trauma and distress. And we continue to see that black people are subjected to much higher levels of coercion at every stage of the system.'”

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  1. “While we know this can save lives”

    Nope, actually you don’t. There’s zero evidence of coercive hospitalizations lowering the number of suicides.

    Actually the evidence points the other direction. I.e. between german states there is a positive correlation between number of suicides and number of coercive hospitalizations.

    You actually give the reason for that right there, Mrs. Hughes: “coercion can also cause lasting trauma and distress”

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