The Darker Story Just Outside the Lens of ‘Framing Britney Spears’


From The New Republic: “Britney Spears can’t spend her own money without permission or decide where she lives. She doesn’t have the right to choose who she spends time with, and can’t enter into contracts. Despite being an adult, for more than a decade now, every single one of these decisions and more have been made for Britney by her father, Jamie Spears. The new documentary Framing Britney Spears thrusts the legal arrangement, called conservatorship, into the spotlight. But it provides an incomplete picture. There is a broader, systemic issue at play. Spears isn’t an anomaly, and in actuality, conservatorship has few safeguards and checks. Legal personhood is regularly stripped from disabled people through conservatorship, and nobody blinks an eye. The biggest difference is that Spears is famous. The unusual part of the story is that people are paying attention.”

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  1. There are so many popstars maybe 35 per cent of them that have had some type of serious breakdown – we all know this – and recovered. So whats so special about Britney Spears?

    I’d imagine that conservatorship (for anyone) could become a self fulfilling prophesy.

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  2. It was a conservatorship contract that a child abuse and psychiatric malpractice covering up psychologist handed me, under the guise of an “art manager” contract. I went to the police, and reported him.

    The policeman seemed impressed that I understood the criminality of such a contract, so claimed to file a police report, hopefully he actually did. Absolutely, these type contracts are quite criminal, and regularly used by criminals, to steal – or attempt to steal – from artists. Let’s hope, “people are paying attention.”

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