Petition: Hypocrisy: APA’s Resolution on Human Rights


From “The APA’s Resolution on APA, Psychology, and Human Rights: ISEPP Critique and Challenges

August 10, 2021

Todd Dubose, Ph.D., Professor, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

Chuck Ruby, Ph.D., Executive Director, International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry

We would like to put the issue simply and succinctly: The American Psychological Association’s (APA) February 2021 resolution on human rights overlooks its own oppressive practices that not only collude with, but prescribe as competent practice, forced treatment and involuntary hospitalization.

On behalf of the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry (ISEPP), we are petitioning the APA to be consistent with the United Nations’ condemnation of forced psychiatric treatment and include in its resolution on human rights an acknowledgement of its own violation of human rights of the most vulnerable, those suffering extreme experiences, which to date has pathologically been called ‘mental illness,’ and to name involuntary forced treatment as a violation of human rights.”

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  1. I’m curious about whether forced hospitalizations — 5150s — are way down during the pandemic. It would be really interesting to see what those numbers have been since the arrival of Covid. I’m also wondering if there are behind the scenes, unwritten changes to the criteria for forced hospitalization.
    My guess is, because sectioning people puts further strain on emergency responders, and also because more psychiatric holds equal more opportunities for the virus to spread, that many people who would have been sectioned pre-covid are now not being sectioned. I’d also be willing to put money on that most of these people who would have been sectioned pre-covid under the determination that they present an inherent danger to themselves or others…these people will find a way to get through whatever crisis is happening in their lives without harming themselves or another person.
    I did sign the petition.

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  2. I agree with pretty much everything the executive director of the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry said. Except …

    “At last estimated count, 95% of psychologists believe that the mind is an extension or epiphenomenon of the brain, which, for many practitioners and researchers, allows for no more unfettered alliances between psychologists and the medical model of reductionism.”

    I think this would be more clearly stated if “the medical model of reductionism” were replaced with “the psychiatric DSM ‘bible’.” Since the DSM billing code “bible” is basically the “bible” for those who believe in “the medical model of reductionism.”

    I also question whether it’s true that “95% of psychologists believe that the mind is an extension or epiphenomenon of the brain,” since all the psychologists have been utilizing the psychiatric DSM “bible” for billing, for decades. And they’ve been working hand and hand with psychiatry for decades, or longer, too.

    But I do agree, “The mind is not the brain, and difficulties in living or extreme experiences are not illnesses to be treated medically.” Especially when it comes to issues like ACEs (adverse childhood experiences), which both the psychologists and psychiatrists have been misdiagnosing, and inappropriately force drugging people to cover up, for decades. Or at least that’s what happened in my case, and it is a systemic problem.

    But what all this means is that the “International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry” should likely lose the “Psychiatry” part of that title. And the ethical psychiatrists should set up their own “International Society for Ethical Psychiatry.”

    While keeping in mind that the ADHD drugs and antidepressants can create the “bipolar” symptoms. The antidepressants and antipsychotics can create “psychosis,” via anticholinergic toxidrome. And the antipsychotics / neuroleptics can create the negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome, as well. And creating “mental illnesses” in people with drugs is neither ethical, nor helpful to your clients, and it should be illegal.

    And they do try to tell us there are no such thing as “conspiracies,” but the definition of “conspiracy” merely is “an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.”

    And when both the psychiatric and psychological industries work together to systemically cover up child abuse, an illegal act, on a massive societal scale. Which is what has been happening for decades or longer, and it’s all by DSM design.

    We’re dealing with industries that are “conspiring” with other industries.

    And the ladies in my childhood church admitted that my childhood religion is in “partnership” with the “mental health” workers, as well. Which has turned the bishops of my childhood religion into systemic child abuse cover uppers, too.

    We need industries to stop “partnering with” or “conspiring” with other industries, against people, for profit.

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