Marci Webber Files Lawsuit Against Mental Facility Staff for Abuse and Medical Mistreatment


Marci Webber, who has been confined at Illinois mental hospitals following her Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity verdict in 2012 for the killing of her daughter, which she says was caused by a psych drugā€“induced psychosis, is suing staff and doctors at the Elgin and Chicago-Read Mental Health Centers for a long list of abuses. In addition to subjecting her to mental, emotional, physical and sexual abuse on numerous occasions, including exposing her to violence from other patients without intervening and even encouraging it, Marci says staff have interfered with her medical treatment plan and coerced her into taking medications which she says only exacerbate her condition and prevent her from recovering. She says these actions demonstrate “a pattern or practice of mistreatment of Ms. Webber and other patients at Elgin and Chicago-Read.” Read the lawsuit below:

Webber Amended Complaint - 2021 12 29 - (Dkt #42)


ā€œThe Truth About Marci Webberā€ Blogā†’


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