Experts Urge Caution as AAP Calls for Mental Health Screenings for Newborns to 21-Year-Olds


From Children’s Health Defense: “The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) this month added recommendations for preventive pediatric healthcare to its 2022 Periodicity Schedule, also known as Bright Futures — including the recommendation to ‘screen for depression and suicide risk’ annually in children starting at birth and up to 21 years.

With experts warning of a mental health crisis among children and adolescents, the AAP’s recommendation, at least on the surface, may seem sound and reasonable.

But depression screening can be dangerous, some experts say.

Dr. Allen Frances, professor and chairman emeritus of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University School of Medicine, in 2016 told The Wall Street Journal that depression screening risks medicalization of the ‘normal’ and that ‘teens may be haunted for life by carelessly applied labels.’

Dr. Edmund Levin, who specializes in adolescent psychiatry, wrote in Adolescent Psychiatry, ‘Over-diagnosis needs to be considered as a contributor to the trend of increasing percentages of youth being diagnosed and medicated for a variety of mental health conditions, including depression.’

. . . could the AAP’s new recommendation result in many more children being prescribed lucrative and dangerous psychiatric drugs — some of which can cause suicide, especially in children, according to their own labels?

The AAP describes itself as ‘an organization of 67,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.’

Yet a quick look at its top donors reveals companies whose products may sometimes conflict with the ‘health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.’

These include Ronald McDonald House Charities, the biotech giant Sanofi Genzyme, baby powder maker Johnson & Johnson (among the AAP’s “top 10 donors”) and the drugmakers AbbottMerck and Novavax.

The AAP is hardly the only well-respected medical association to play both sides of the street — taking drugmaker money while giving ‘trusted’ medical advice.

Nor is it the only association to establish detailed recommendations and screenings for patients — screenings that often directly enrich drugmakers.”

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    • Actually, they’re going after our children, so I think that means they’re looking for the smallest fish to fry / destroy. Shame on the pediatricians.

      I did explain the neurotoxic nature of the psych drugs to a shaking pediatrician once (she was shaking out of embarrassment, since she knew I was right). I asked her if she would please help stop the pediatricians from defaming children with the “invalid” DSM disorders and neurotoxic poisoning them. She said, “it’s too profitable.” Shame on the greedy pediatricians.

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      • Thank you Someone Else,

        I was trying to say (somewhat clumsily, perhaps) that the psych/pharma industry is always on the lookout for new markets to exploit. And children are a huge market.

        I think the drugging of kids amounts to child abuse. And it’s horrible what the pediatrician said, but at least she was honest, which isn’t saying much. I just hope she doesn’t prescribe to children herself. And yes, shame on them –

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        • I agree, psych drugging children is child abuse, Birdsong. And I’m quite certain that pediatrician was shaking in her seat because she was a part of the problem, unfortunately. She just didn’t expect some non-doctor in her church to be knowledgable about her sins. Since, no doubt, psychiatrists and psychologists have been quietly covering up the other doctors’ malpractice for … probably as long as those industries have existed?

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          • Someone Else says, “…psychiatrists and psychologists have been quietly covering up the other doctors’ malpractice for…probably as long as those industries have existed?”

            You bet. Medical doctors cover for each other like NO other profession. It’s their unspoken ethos of “one hand washes the other” –

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