Team vs. Solo: Kids’ Sport Choice May Affect Mental Health

From Smithsonian:

“…[A] study, published today in PLoS ONE, finds that kids who played only individual sports, like tennis or gymnastics, tended to face more mental health difficulties, such as anxiety and depression or troubles with concentration, than peers who played no sports at all. Youngsters who participated exclusively in team sports, on the other hand, were less likely to experience these issues than those who didn’t play any sport. Finally, the kids who dabbled in team and individual sports were no more or less likely than those who abstained from sport altogether to have mental health trouble.

The findings are based on a huge database that tracked the mental health and sports participation of more than 11,000 kids ages 9 to 13 from across the United States—many thousands more than prior studies that have tried to tease apart the impacts of team versus individual sports.

Matt Hoffmann, a sports psychologist at California State University, Fullerton and the study’s lead author, cautions against jumping to conclusions based on the results….For example, it could be that children already predisposed to better mental health tend to gravitate towards team sports, or even that their parents tend to steer them that way. Or, it might be that individual sports are more prone than team sports to create situations where a child experiences acute anxiety about their performance or perhaps their appearance or body type.

Hoffmann’s take is not to recommend discouraging youth participation in individual sports, it’s to encourage parents and coaches to be aware that young wrestlers, dancers or swimmers might experience added stress or anxiety and to support them accordingly….”




  1. Playing soccer is often a favorite activity for kids to fill their free time. In addition to being fun and encouraging kids to play rajasport, there are lessons that can be learned and are beneficial off the field as well, such as the following.

    learn to work together
    Football is a raja sport that only succeeds when there is strong and solid teamwork. Each player has a different but equally important role to play.

    To achieve goals, children are taught to trust their peers, respect each other’s abilities and skills, and have good communication skills. Children who are used to taking turns and working together will find it easier to adapt to new social environments, respect others, and be good team players.

    importance of hard work
    Some children can easily master mathematical abilities, while others must strive to excel in sports. Football can teach that the only way to success is through hard work. Prominent Indonesian footballers such as Ivan Dimas usually train for hours slot online on end to help them reach their best abilities and achieve better results than ever before.

    Like other sports, football requires a high degree of discipline. Besides being in good and healthy physical condition, kids who love soccer are also used to being disciplined during training. Arriving on time, learning and following the rules of the game, and starting to show self-awareness.

    Discipline built from the very beginning can give an orderly and orderly life to the children. This is one of those things that can be used to achieve success as you age.

    learn and improve yourself
    Playing soccer and other sports can help kids identify their strengths and weaknesses. It can be used to hone your best skills and improve yourself. They also learn that everyone’s strengths are different, and that it shouldn’t be a problem as long as you do your best.

    After knowing about their own abilities, children can also set their desired goals. It will spark enthusiasm and motivation to get what you want. In sports, this can be achieved by participating in competitions, such as Indonesia’s Jagaon Bola.

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