Don’t remove immigrant kids from their families

At the New York Daily News, an opinion piece by four family lawyers, policy workers and advocates — Hannah Mercuris, Zoe Schonfeld with the Center for Family Representation, and Chanya Holness and Pernell Brice III with the Children’s Health Fund — argues against separating immigrant children from their parents, citing the many and lasting mental health harms: 

Over the past two years, tens of thousands of asylum-seeking families have arrived in New York City seeking safety for themselves and their children. . . . 

Parents must familiarize themselves with city agencies, enroll their children in school, address their family’s physical and mental injuries from their harrowing journey, and attend immigration appointments and court dates, mostly without attorneys.

Parent defenders at the Center for Family Representation (CFR), whose Manhattan office serves the Midtown neighborhoods where many of these HERRC shelters are located, have seen an alarming trend in Family Court neglect filings against non-citizen parents and subsequent removal of their children into the foster system.

In these cases, the child protective agency, the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) and Family Court judges make decisions about these families with little understanding either of their circumstances or of the compound harm that family separation causes to immigrant children. . . . 

The harms of family separation to immigrant families is well-documented. In 2018, when former President Donald Trump formalized the separations of parents and children at the Southern border, pediatricians and mental health clinicians warned about the short and long-term consequences of family separation on children’s health.

According to the Children’s Health Fund (CHF), children separated from their families are at an increased risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, and suicidality. One study found that symptoms persisted after children were reunited with their families. Some children who were reunited with their parents exhibited behaviors such as crying, loss of appetite, nightmares, difficulty sleeping, and recurring feelings of fear.”

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  1. “One study found that symptoms persisted after children were reunited with their families. Some children who were reunited with their parents exhibited behaviors such as crying, loss of appetite, nightmares, difficulty sleeping, and recurring feelings of fear.”

    As a mother whose psychological medical records state that my former psychologist wanted to steal my children from me, on like my second appointment with her. This ‘Don’t remove … kids from their families” message needs to be conveyed to the entirety of the “mental health” industries … and it shouldn’t be a message only about immigrant children.

    But my former psychologist’s entire goal was actually covering up child abuse for her pastor, I eventually learned, from all my family’s medical records. And this is a systemic problem known as “the dirty little secret of the two original educated professions,” according to ethical pastors of another religion.

    I, and my entire family, had to leave our ex-religion due to this systemic faustian deal / “partnership” between the pastors and psychologists. One may not speak out again any kind of child abuse in the ELCA churches today, without being attacked by a child abuse covering up psychologist.

    How shocking, loving mothers speak out against the abuse of children, including the psychological and psychiatric industries’ systemic abuse of millions of children.

    Check out which psych drug classes can create “psychosis” and “hallucinations,” via anticholinergic toxidrome poisonings.

    And those “antipsychotics” (aka as neuroleptics) can also create the negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.

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