I am currently re-reading Robert Whitaker’s amazing book, Mad in America. As Whitaker masterfully reconstructs the disturbing history of the treatment of mental illness, something very new struck me that I hadn’t seen before.
The story that got my attention this time was about the Nuremberg trials.
After the second world war, the Allies prosecuted murderous Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg Trials for their war crimes, but what many of us didn’t know is that Nazi doctors who committed heinous crimes in the name of medicine were also prosecuted. The most famous of those doctors, who had evaded capture and was therefore not prosecuted at Nuremberg, was Josef Mengele, otherwise known as the “Angel of Death.” I have met people who, as children, were tortured by Mengele, so I knew that he and his barbarous colleagues had done horrendous things. Breaking a person’s bones continuously to see how long it would take before they would never heal again, for example, but Whitaker describes many other unthinkable experiments that would make anyone with a conscience squirm at the depths of cruelty an “educated” person can inflict on another human being.
As part of the trials, the judges wrote a kind of human rights charter of ethics called the Nuremberg Code to prevent research abuse from ever happening again. The Nuremberg Code requires a few things, including that participants in research are able to give full voluntary consent without coercion. Yet what does that mean for all of the people diagnosed with psychosis who are participants in medical research?
Think about this: people with psychosis are locked in hospitals against their will and forcibly injected with tranquilizing drugs because psychiatry says that they are not capable of making their own treatment decisions. Yet, according to those same psychiatrists, they are capable of consenting to participation in experimental research?
It gets worse when you hear what kind of experiments these were. Whitaker describes symptom-exacerbation experiments running up until the 1990s in the US—the kind of experiments where you give someone a drug you think will make their condition worse just to try to understand the brain processes involved. Something quite a bit reminiscent of those Nazi experiments.
As Whitaker writes, when confronted with the question of consent, the researchers and doctors involved in symptom-exacerbation research defended themselves by saying that they had received written consent from these patients. They claimed that people with psychosis are not capable of turning down psychiatry’s treatments—they are not allowed to say no. But when those same people sign on the dotted line, under coercion from their psychiatrist in a locked hospital ward, to letting the doctors deliberately worsen their symptoms, they are capable to consent?
It seems clear that this is a violation of the Nuremberg code, justified only through the basest hypocrisy. But what interests me even more is that this hypocrisy hides something even greater: that psychiatrists actually know, deep down, that even those so diagnosed are capable of immense recovery and periods of incredible mental health and wellbeing.
The researchers Whitaker describes defended their actions by stating that these patients who they were experimenting on had “different points in their illness” or “were not currently ill” and that “it is a stigmatizing view that people with mental illness can’t make that decision.” (As Whitaker discovers, the paper trail tells us otherwise and we discover that there was very little consent.)
To use one doctor’s words (Paul Applebaum, as quoted by Whitaker): “Patients who are having psychotic symptoms often can function quite well in many areas of their lives […] They may have delusions and odd ideas about the CIA investigating their backgrounds, or the FBI trailing them on the street. But that doesn’t prevent them from understanding what they need to buy at the supermarket to make dinner.”
But sadly, it wasn’t the cover-ups, lies, and denials although criminal and disgusting that were a surprise to me, what really was shocking was that these doctors were missing what was right in front of their faces.
These doctors were admitting that their so-called “mentally ill” patients have lucid moments, periods of time where they are not symptomatic. They admitted that these patients were capable of consent. How, then, could they miss that capacity when they locked them in the hospital and drugged them against their will?
What the doctors are not seeing is the health in these people. Or rather, they’re only seeing it when it’s convenient for them and their research projects.
Right there in their own words, they are admitting that people who have delusional episodes also have mental health. This is what they should have been focusing on. This is the way to help people.
I am just finishing up work on a research paper that is about to be put forward for peer review where we collected over 60 stories of people who have recovered from all kinds of mental health diagnoses, including schizophrenia and psychosis, simply because they were guided to see their own health. Understanding how the mind works means that it’s possible to know what the signs are and avoid falling off the cliff into an episode.
We all have the capacity to lose it sometimes but we all have the ability to recognize when we are off and come back to our innate wellbeing. Like learning that when your tummy rumbles it is a signal to eat something, or if you feel pressure in your bladder, it means go pee. Knowing that when our thinking speeds up, becomes urgent, or intense, it’s time to slow down and breathe or if we miss that, we can notice familiar destructive stories showing up. Seeing that these are all signals that we are heading in the wrong direction with our mental health is liberating. The people in our research started to recognize these signals and are now able to choose a better way or ask for help way before it ends up in the emergency room—this is real recovery; this is innate health in action and no pharmaceuticals or torturous surgery needed.
So why couldn’t these doctors see this?
You can call me cynical because I am and yes, it is often money and honor that motivates these researchers. We all know that pharmaceutical companies will pay big bucks for the discovery of new medicines, but I think there is a deeper reason.
Going back to those Nazi doctors, I think they genuinely thought they were doing good. They didn’t see the Jewish, gay, and gypsy people of Auschwitz as human beings. This meant that what they were doing couldn’t be wrong, in fact, it was virtuous to pursue these experiments to help the Aryan race improve and get stronger. It was not just a patriotic duty but honorable scientific endeavor.
But as activist Vera Sharav points out, “these types of experiments could only be done of the powerless.”
Many are made powerless by the misinformation that we are fed. Myths like the chemical imbalance and that so-called illnesses like schizophrenia and psychosis are incurable and will need medications for life. Many of the vulnerable people these American doctors experimented on in places like the University of Massachusetts Medical School who were dealing with first time episodes could have had a very different experience. What if they had been shown that this episode will pass, they were not broken and that they had all the courage and strength they needed to get back on their feet and live amazing lives?
What if the symptoms that these doctors were seeing as evidence of illness, even inhumanity, are actually very healthy alarm signals?
Our bodies are built with incredible wisdom to heal. Our bodies are masterfully made with the ability to fight infections, mend fractures and heal burns. Physical pain is an alarm system to get us help. Why wouldn’t our minds have same ability to regain balance?
Well, it does.
We all have an innate wellbeing system that works by sending us feelings to let us know when we are off, heading in a destructive direction. Feelings are a feedback system just like pain, whether it’s anxiety leading to a panic alarm, depression leading to a fatigue alarm, or personality disorder leading to a self-harm alarm. These are all signals are getting louder and louder that we are heading in the wrong direction. More extreme behaviors like running naked down the street, giving away all your money to strangers, and the smell of feces coming from your neighbor’s apartment are very loud alarm signals to keep us from self-destructing until the calvary arrives.
One of the common criteria for so called illnesses like schizophrenia and psychosis are delusions. I would suggest that these doctors and researchers were themselves suffering severe delusions. To believe that just because someone ends up in a doctor’s office, they have the moral right to experiment on them is willful delusion. If there were a news bulletin saying “Man discovered torturing homeless people by forcing drugs and inserting metal objects into their brains!” we would be horrified and see this person as an insane criminal. But put him in a white coat and fund him with taxpayers’ dollars and he is a researcher.
My friend and mentor, a psychiatrist with 50 years’ experience once told me that in his 20 years of continuing education he didn’t receive one minute of education about mental health.
All alarm signals that so called mentally ill people suffer are cries for help. If only doctors were trained to look for the health in people, to see that we all have innate mental wellbeing and just need guiding, pointing back to our own innate resilience, courage, and wisdom, that would change the world.
As I recall, the laws governing Informed Consent changed in 2023. It sounds as though the protections for patients have become weaker and make it easier for us to be enrolled in research without our knowledge, but I hope I’m wrong. After years of the subtle, not so subtle, and even oppressive dynamics of the medical-psychiatric system, I realize that my health and my entire family’s health could have been so much better if there had been transparency and sharing of more knowledge, truly informed consent, and more CHOICES! One beloved daughter would still be alive and her sister would be much healthier, I dare to say.
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You know, we could, without very much difficulty, play “Turn the Tables” with personnel.
How? I am glad that I asked me that (ha ha), because it just so happens that I think that I have what personnel really want and we can trade it for their cooperation with our plan to maintain control of our own lives, because the plan includes helping them get in better control of theirs, which I believe is what they really wanted to do via their entrance into what they thought would be a way to help their selves solve their own problems, in the first place. Why else would they enter this field, but to win better at thinking and what better way to find out than to learn how to do that? That is the setup going into psychology school anyway. And still right here at our offer to them, which I am reasonably sure will not disappoint them again this time.
There’s a whole large loop of action regarding how they lost the way to their goal involved but let me skip that to get to the capture of the offer for the sake of our resources’ economy.
The offer is to have them sign the consent forms needed to allow us to make them smarter and feel more secure. Yes? That is what they wanted out of their study of psychology; no? So, let’s give it to them, except we won’t help them if they don’t sign our consent form, so they see how it is for us. Then, when they actually ‘do’ get smarter from our experiments with them, voila, we get along better with them and really do help them accomplish what they set out to do, so they feel emotionally better also.
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Psychiatric consent is a funny thing, isn’t it? In general, regarding treatment, one can be competent to consent while incompetent to refuse. It’s an absolute farce. Great article, Chana.
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Thank you!! Yes, its rediculous and loaded in their favor.
We all have mental health and that’s what they are missing.
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Why research at all? We are feeding a social process. Why not each of us do our own research into what actually is? If we all did this we would not need the socially conditioned life activity you call ‘research’ which is just an enormous waste of energy. We have eyes and a brain. We need only use them to see. Telescopes and atom smashers are for philistines with the brain disease called ‘scientist’. But inhabiting this brain disease is you, Mrs and Mr the whole universe and it’s back story which is you, i.e. all that ever is.
Anyway, have a nice day God and remember to look at the sun. Don’t believe the scientists who tell you that it will burn your eyes. Rather your eyes are burning for this sun. You are not the son but the sun. The son is in your eye, i.e. the son is in your sun. I have a dark filled in circle in my eye. Each of us do. It pretends to be you. It is pure emptiness, darkness. It is the night. You are the day and the night is it’s shadow…
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“We have eyes and a brain. We need only use them.”
Seeking guidance from the metaphorically blind is worse than useless.
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Psychiatry is a haven for the predatory.
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Psychiatry can be an ideal haven for the predatory—which is exactly why it needs to go.
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The truth is ordinary human beings have many more psychological resources than psychiatry would have us all think, which means the following: steer clear of people who expect you to fail.
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Skip research consent.
Signing a form that says an alleged psychiatrist should get insurance money for calling one crazy is the act of an insane person in itself; no?
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Thank you for this excellent article. I’m angry at the injustices and mistreatment of those labeled “mentally ill.”
I will look for your books, which are mislabeled “novels” in your bio (unless I’m mistaken and they’re works of fiction?), and please tell me how I can keep aware of updates to your work and projects. Again, thank you.
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“the kind of experiments where you give someone a drug you think will make their condition worse ”
It’s still being done. For example, antidepressants lower Folate and Vitamin D. So if you give antidepressants to people who already have low Folate and Vitamin D (like people who have MTHFR mutations which cause low Folate/Vit D) you’ll be making things worse.
MTHFR mutations are over represented in people who have depression.
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My brother was hospitalized at a state facility in Raleigh in the late 80s and convinced by staff to enroll in a drug trial. I myself was working in research and convinced him to quit the trial. When I told one of my colleagues about it, she told me that it was the only way they could get new drugs into the pipeline. What phony bullshit. Bet she would have gotten her own brother out of there, if she’d been in my shoes!
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Thank you for this artical. In 2021 I found an artical on Nazi Germany and the names of psychiatrists that started I mean started the death camps organized them I was in the mental institution 8 months arbitrarily detained after disclosing legal arguments they bloody well hacked my phone and stole it . It was a Jewish writer and I wouldn’t even be surprised that it was Jewish psychiatrist involvement…don’t forget the victims of Holocaust medical crimes were the poor the political dissidents and the marginalized also especially the mentally I’ll the schizophrenic touched by God if not made mentally ill by human rights denial torture, now resolution of trial of Robert h. Jackson USA signed and four other countries not ratified says you cannot use deception manufactured evidence coercion manipulation failure to inform of the crimes doing it covertly without consent of knowledge or informing of dangers and extortion or for money …you cannot be subjected to experimentation that defies your humanity and your continuation in life….as in risky procedures are outlawed and the crimes against humanity in denial of fundamental human rights is death . Still on the books….to turn human beings into animals by chemicals weapons biological and call it medicine make them inhuman childlike easily made compliant to victimization for society after pumping up hate propaganda against them call it stigma…I want justice trials and change arrests etc Jung worked for Hitler on ancestral fraud theory and freud ran. Away got away as did Einstein; this Einstein states ” the mind is last. Frontier” as in the last battle against evil that man perpetrates against man. Biological mind theory is full of shit so are psychiatrists flooding their markets with the torture sterilization making free guinea pigs lab rats out of the impoverished the victim and the marginalized the political dissident..history repeats itself.
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Good article, I agree, except: true neurodevelopmental schizophrenia DOES exist. It is incurable as it involves a malformed thalamus, increased ventricular size and other abnormalities in the brain. It also has a lot of non-psychotic symptoms that are present from birth and that alone can be quite disabling. However, many if not most of the people diagnosed with schizophrenia do not actually have it. These people simply had one or two episodes of psychosis due to drug use or some other reason, then got put on antipsychotics. Of course upon stopping the antipsychotics they often experience withdrawal psychosis which is mistaken for a reemergence of symptoms by ignorant psychiatrists. And so then they get told they have schizophrenia. So it’s not a case of “is schizophrenia neurological or is it iatrogenic” it’s a case of “both neurodevelopmental schizophrenia and iatrogenic psychosis mistaken as schizophrenia exist”.
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