Schizophrenia Subtypes Disappearing From the Literature

Schizophrenia Bulletin publishes a review of published articles that finds the use of schizophrenia subtypes (Catatonic, Disorganized, Paranoid, Residual & Undifferentiated), "while widely used...

Psychosis is Not Unique to Schizophrenia

In a sample of 3021 adolescents and young adults with anxiety or depression, Dutch researchers found that 27% also had one or more psychotic symptoms. Read...

Scientific American Reviews the DSM

In a continuing series, Scientific American analyzes the "Trouble at the Heart of Psychiatry's Revised Rule Book." Article →  Part 1: Psychiatrists Are About to Shift...

“As Diagnostic Thresholds Are Lowered, Being Normal Ends Up Being as Difficult as Being...

"We are in the process of turning the disease into the norm and where the normal becomes the exception. If this continues, we will...

The Lancet Weighs in on DSM-V “Grief-as-Illness.”

In a lead editorial, The Lancet took the position that the proposed revision to the DSM that would modify the exclusion for bereavement "is not...

Imagining A Different Future in Mental Health

Robert Whitaker speaks about how the data shows we could have far better outcomes for people diagnosed with mental illness by going to a selective...

Brain Science Doesn’t Explain All

In an essay in the Sydney Morning Herald, a psychiatrist explores how the same blind faith in reductionist economic models that lead to a global...

Anxiety Accounts for Bipolar False Positives

Researchers found that of 1,534 patients assessed at Australia's Black Dog Institute Depression clinic, a significant number received a false positive diagnosis of bipolar...

Diagnosing Conflict-of-Interest Disorder

Article by Lisa Cosgrove from June, 2010 reviewing conflicts of interest related to the DSM. Article →                 ...

Call For DSM-5 Reform Continues

Over 13,000 mental health professionals have signed an open letter from The Society for Humanistic Psychology (Div. 32 of the APA) to the DSM-5...

“The Way We Diagnose Mental Illness Might Be A ‘Mistake'”

The San Francisco Chronicle reviews Jon Ronson's "The Psychopath Test", which chronicles the meteoric growth of the DSM in "chaotic editorial meetings in a small...

“Psychosis Risk Syndrome is Back to Haunt Us”

Allen Frances adds to his catalog of DSM-5 mistakes with the return of the controversial - and ultimately rejected - "Psychosis Risk Disorder", under...

The Dangers of Getting “Diagnosed”

-"When we treat diagnosis as simply a medical issue, we mask the tremendous social power involved in putting a name to human suffering."

DSM — the Latest News and Happenings… Collected

Monica Cassani promises to add to Beyond Meds' chronicle, today and for the next week or so, of emerging coverage on the DSM rollout....