MRI Studies

During the 1990s, researchers using MRI technology discovered that antipsychotics shrink the frontal lobes and cause an enlargement of the basal ganglia. In the...

Vitamin D Benefits Depressed Adolescents

Low levels of vitamin D were found in a sample of 54 depressed Swedish adolescents, with a positive correlation between vitamin D and well-being....

ADHD Overtreated in Relatively Younger Children

An 11-year study of 937,943 children in British Columbia found that boys who were relatively younger than their classmates were 41% more likely to...

Rise of Antipsychotics in Children

Researchers at Johns Hopkins explore the use of antipsychotics in children, finding a dramatic rise in off-label prescribing with little oversight or research into...

Childhood Maltreatment Reduces Hippocampal Volume

Researchers at Harvard University, in the largest and most detailed study on the topic to date, found that childhood maltreatment is significantly associated with...

Antipsychotic Use Does Not Correlate With Conversion to Psychosis

Researchers in Brazil find, in a meta-analysis, that only 30% of youth deemed to be of ultra high risk of psychosis do in fact...

Adverse Childhood Events Contribute Significantly to Most Mental Health Problems

John Read and Richard Bentall write in the British Journal of Psychiatry about the growing understanding and acceptance of the significant role adverse childhood...

No Long-Term Efficacy For A.D.D. Medication

L. Alan Sroufe, emeritus professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota, writes in the New York Times Sunday Review that there is no...

Early Trauma, Social Stress Accompany Psychosis

Researchers at Emory University find that childhood trauma, sensitivity to psychosocial stress and a heightened biological response to stress are associated with the onset...

Hypotheses, Scientific Evidence, and On Being Compared to an AIDS Denier

In today’s Boston Globe (April 14), Dr. Dennis Rosen, a pediatric lung and sleep specialist at Children’s Hospital in Boston, reviews my new book,...