Summing up the STAR*D Scandal: The Public was Betrayed, Millions were Harmed, and the...

American psychiatry, the NIMH, the larger medical community, and mainstream media have betrayed the American public by failing to make this scandal known.

Faith Healing in India: An Ancient Way of Tending to Madness

In contrast to the colonial legacy of medical psychiatry in India, indigenous and faith healing methods emphasize the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit, using rituals, storytelling, and communal support to create a holistic healing environment.

MindFreedom’s Shield Program: Working to Free People from Psychiatric Incarceration and Forced Treatment

“We need the MindFreedom Shield to have someone in our corner when we are told that it doesn't matter what we want, that someone else can make a choice about our bodies that we will have to live with for the rest of our lives.”

The Dying of the Light: Norway’s “Medication-Free” Services for Psychotic Patients Are Fading Away

Despite their successful outcomes, Norwegian non-coercive and medication-free programs are being threatened with closure.

Dismissing the “Human Experience”: College Students Feel Unseen by the Medical Model of Mental...

In conversations with college students and recent graduates from across the country and around the world, they described feeling dismissed by views of mental health that narrow their experiences to individual medical problems.

The TikTokification of Mental Health on Campus

Many people view their social media feeds as reflections of their identities—and when posts center on a specific diagnosis, it can feel like the platform is diagnosing them.

“War Cry For Change”: Veterans Launch Campaign for Informed Consent and Safe Deprescribing at...

Derek Blumke and Timothy Jensen: The Grunt Style Foundation leads a new phase in the movement to combat psychiatric drug harm.
Illustration of a magnet pulling the glowing word "data" out of a laptop computer

“Confidential” 988 Conversation Records Shared with Corporations

Recordings of 988 callers’ voice, text, and chat conversations are being shared with researchers, AI developers, and corporations without consent.

Dramatic Rise in Police Interventions on 988 Callers

New data reveals that four times as many callers to 988 as previously publicly claimed are getting visited by police or emergency medical services.
Stock photo of wooden people and government building; people protesting

Maryland Enacts a “Draconian” Assisted Outpatient Treatment Program

Advocates vow to keep resisting psychiatric force, fighting for rights-based supports

Giving Caregivers a Platform: Meagan, Mother of Matt

A mom describes her son's descent into the harms of psychiatry—and his way out. "It was really difficult to watch Matt decline. He had given up hope that he could get well."
A white brain surrounded by a pile of red and white pills

Depression: Psychiatry’s Discredited Theories and Drugs Versus a Sane Model and Approach

Psychiatry’s depression outcomes are poor because its bio-chemical-electrical treatments are based on a depression model that science has flushed down the toilet.
Photo of a girl surrounded by bullies holding cell phones

“A Dangerous Substance”: The Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health

This is what social media does, she says. It draws people in. It hurts people. In the worst cases, it kills people.
Woman holding a smartphone and touching the screen, she is using mobile apps, vintage style collage

Therapy by App: A Clinical Psychologist Tries BetterHelp

Revealing concerns about BetterHelp’s ability to provide quality, secure treatment—and the unresolved tensions in the science of psychotherapy that services like BetterHelp exploit.

Winding Back the Clock: What If the STAR*D Investigators Had Told the Truth?

The STAR*D Study has been cited as real-world evidence of the efficacy of antidepressants. In truth, it told of a failed paradigm of care.

After MIA Calls for Retraction of STAR*D Article, Study Authors Double Down on the...

In their letter to the editor, Rush et al. have doubled-down on the fraud they committed in their 2006 summary report of STAR*D outcomes.
Generic city map with icons representing beds in 1950 and 2023

Busting the Deinstitutionalization Myth: We Actually Have More Beds Than Ever Before

New data upends common beliefs about asylum closures, deinstitutionalization, and rates of psychiatric coercion.
Photo depicting a gavel, scales, and a human skull all on a wooden table against a red background

In the Courts, a Partial Win for Informed Consent and ECT Justice

Price Hancock views the Thelen verdict as a partial win. "The jury agreed that the manufacturer 'failed to warn.’ That's huge. It's a step in the right direction."
Human brain in glass jar isolated. Sticker, print or blackwork tattoo design hand drawn vector illustration.

Causality in Mental Disturbance: A Review of the Neuroscience

Psychiatry's medicalization of social and psychological suffering is not justified by the currently known biology.
A collage depicting cut-up photographs of David Carmichael and his son Ian, Lindsay Clancy and her children, and a bottle of pills spilling out

SSRIs, Lindsay Clancy, and Me

Sharing the similarities between Lindsay Clancy's homicidal episode and my own will hopefully help prevent rare SSRI-induced suicides and homicides, including mass shootings.

Campaign Against ECT Gains Traction in UK

"Across the pond," campaigners’ efforts against electroshock are gaining public notice. Can their approach work in the US?
A monolithic building rises above a New York City street in the daytime

A New York City Psychiatric Hospital Patient Said Staffers Illegally Restrained and Drugged Her;...

“No one is watching these hospitals,” Miranda warned. “No one is listening. Our rights are being violated left and right. They can do whatever they want.”

Screening for Perinatal Depression: An Effective Intervention, or One That Does More Harm Than Good?

Why does the U.S. describe perinatal screening as providing a proven benefit, while the task forces in the U.K. and Canada see no evidence of such benefit?
Isabella photo

Beyond Labels and Meds—Closer Look: Isabella Castillo

At times I tend to feel invisible. Sometimes I don’t feel like I fit in with everyone else; I feel like an outsider.

Beyond Labels and Meds—Closer Look: Madeline Aliah

Meet another talented teen behind the pieces in MIA's art exhibition. She writes: "This poem was written in my first year at a queer-positive school and is processing the new forms of guilt and shame I experienced and was exposed to."