Irrational Polypharmacy: How Integrated Mental Health Treatment Can Help
Drug-first treatment overlooks the underlying circumstances that contributed to the development of mental health issues in the first place.
Is Virtual Psychotherapy of Lesser Quality Than In-Person?
Are therapists contributing to the depersonalization and loneliness that has hollowed out social life in our culture in general?
Is There Transformative Meaning in Madness?
How do some people find and harness transformative meaning in their experiences conceptualised as psychosis by clinical psychiatry?
Service Users Report Psychiatric Professionals as the Least Helpful Factor in Quitting Antipsychotics
A new study published in Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice finds that psychiatrists and other doctors are the most unhelpful factor for...
The Anatomy of Anxiety: An Interview With Ellen Vora
Dr. Ellen Vora, author of 'The Anatomy of Anxiety', joins us to discuss trauma, grief, functional medicine and more.
I Accuse Psychiatry of Murder
My beloved friend Geoffrey could have contributed so much to the world if psychiatrists had not murdered him.
How I Developed a Critical Perspective on Psychiatry
I saw many people admitted to psychiatric wards having suffered a recent or past trauma, only to leave with prescriptions for multiple drugs.
Dismantling the Psychiatric Monopoly: Why We Need an Alternative
A speech given at the annual Danish Psychiatry Top Summit conference on the theme "New winds are blowing."
The Emperor’s New Clothes? The Psychiatrist as Expert in a Post-Modern World
Psychiatry has fallen to too many fads and abusive treatments over the decades to hold current treatments with any confidence.
My Impressions of Psychiatry
People who are given the diagnosis of “schizophrenia” are the last social group not to be accepted by the public.
School Phone Bans and “Mental Health”
Banning school phones is not an answer to improving mental health.
Gender and Psychiatry: Pathologized Emotions
Our emotions in response to violence, lack of recognition, moral or sexual attack are defined as "mental illness" by psychiatry.
Why I Stopped Taking Antidepressants—and Was It Worth It?
I had no idea what I was getting myself into or how difficult it would later be to break free from the cocktail of medications.
How We Started the Bay Area Hearing Voices Network
Voice hearers have created a community. Often, for the first time, they feel safe to talk about their experiences and reach out for support.
Overprescribed and Overlooked: A Preventable Tragedy
My friend’s death was entirely preventable. We need more regulation of psychiatric medication in America.
The Core Error of Psychiatrists and Psychologists: Certainty about “Consensus Reality”
Mental health professionals are selected and socialized to accept consensus reality and see a lack of adjustment to it as "mental illness."
Withdrawal Symptoms Common for Those who Stop Taking Antidepressants
A new study, published in Molecular Psychiatry, investigates the prevalence and typical characteristics of antidepressant withdrawal syndrome (AWS) through analyzing available research. Researchers found...
“What Matters to You?” – An Antidote to “What’s Wrong” and “What Happened”
Both ‘what’s wrong with you?’ and ‘what’s happened to you’ risk sidelining people’s own understandings and solutions.
So-Called Suicide Experts Recommend Antidepressants, Which Increase Suicides
They are biased towards drug use and cherry-pick the studies they quote even when they call their reviews systematic.
Why Gradual Reduction of Antipsychotics Could Be Safer for Service Users
A new commentary published in Current Opinion in Psychiatry presents the case for slow tapering of antipsychotics. According to authors Mark Horowitz and Joanna...
We Should Listen to Our Emotional Pain: An interview with Paul Andrews
Dr. Paul Andrews is an Associate Professor of Evolutionary Psychology in the Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour at McMaster University. His research focuses...
A Case for Parallel Mental Health Care
Can people turn against the psychiatric priesthood and find the answers within themselves and their own communities?
Antidepressants Cause Cardiovascular Disease, Study Finds
A new study published in BMJ Mental Health finds that antidepressants are associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). The authors employed Mendelian randomization, a method...
We Should #DropTheDisorder Because….
Allies of share their reasons why we should "Drop the disorder!" in a promotional video for the AD4E annual online festival on Friday, November 8.
Greater Role for Experts by Experience in the Dialogue on Euthanasia in Cases of...
A letter from those experts by experience.