Expectations Modulate Social Perception Differently in Schizophrenia, Autism

Writing in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, researchers from the University of Cambridge and University College in London review the evidence that both attention and...

Telephone Therapy is Effective for Depression

A study of 325 Chicago-area patients with major depression, published today in the Journal of American Medical Association, finds that cognitive behavioral therapy administered...

More Support Sought When Others Attribute Depression to Biology

In a study of 86 individuals experiencing at least mild depressive symptoms, a person's willingness to seek support from a friend was not related...

Locus of Control Less Associated with Anxiety in Collective Societies

Locus of Control (LOC), a measure of the degree to which one perceives control of one's life to be internally- vs. externally-determined, was reviewed...

PLoS Medicine Series: Global Studies of “Practice-Based Evidence”

The Public Library of Science calls for "case studies that can help broaden our understanding of global mental health in 'real-life' contexts." The series...

The History and Effectiveness of Peer Support from 18th-Century France to Today

Yale's Program for Recovery and Community Health will publish in World Psychiatry's June issue a review the history of peer support, from its roots...

Microfinance Loans for People With Mental Health Diagnoses

The Toronto Globe & Mail reports on a project to provide "microfinance" loans of $3,000 up to $25,000 to people diagnosed with mental illness...

Discrimination Impacts Mental Health: Especially Among the Educated

A cross-sectional study of 1,994 individuals in a deprived area of Japan found that perceived discrimination was significantly associated with depressive symptoms and a...

Cognitive Remediation with Functional Skills Training Effective in Schizophrenia

Researchers from Canada and the U.S. report, in findings published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, that cognitive remediation robustly improved neurocognition after 12...

Motherhood in Illness & Recovery

Researchers in Norway, publishing in the International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,  explore the experiences of being a mother with mental illness; "their way...

Mad Pride and Spiritual Community: Thoughts on The Spiritual Gift of Madness

Let our Mad Pride movement be grounded in humility and kindness for each other in our diversity of life experiences, a recognition that social movements need good communicators and organizers more than charismatic leaders and messianic visions, and that the beautiful language we use to describe ourselves is only as powerful as the grounded actions we take to back up our words.

Motherhood: Pride & Recovery

Researchers at the Rockland Psychiatric Center in New York found that of the 39% of female inpatients who were mothers, the majority reported having...

Laura Delano, David Oaks, Ted Chabasinski and Adina Lambert in Philadelpha

Laura Delano at Occupy the American Psychiatric Association, May 5, 2012, in Philadelphia David Oaks at Occupy the American Psychiatric Association, May 5, 2012 Ted Chabasinski...

Imagining A Different Future in Mental Health

Robert Whitaker speaks about how the data shows we could have far better outcomes for people diagnosed with mental illness by going to a selective...

Attachment & Psychosis: Implications for Therapeutic Alliance

In what they say is the first study to investigate relationships between emotion regulation, attachment and the therapeutic alliance, researchers in Northwest England recruited 49...

Loneliness and Mental Illness

Based on interviews with 7,461 adults randomly selected from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey in England, researchers found that interventions addressing maladaptive social cognition...

Recovery through Learning Creatura, a Language of Life

There is a language underneath our familiar verbal language. Ordinarily it is called nonverbal communication. It is also called body language. I came to...

Pharmacology Gets More Cooperation Than Psychosocial Advice

In a study of conformance to evidence-based treatment recommendations at mental health clinics among people diagnosed with schizophrenia, Canadian researchers found that conformance to...

People With Schizophrenia Diagnoses Actually Do Listen

Contrary to the hypothesis that delusional beliefs in schizophrenia are a persistent general deficit, patients using a well-documented advice-taking task revise their beliefs, taking...

Skin-to-Skin Contact Benefits Mothers with Post-Partum Depression

In a study of 90 new mothers in Nova Scotia, five hours per day of skin-to-skin contact (SSC) reduced mothers' depression scores in their...

Nursing Homes Shift Tactics on Dementia

As part of a series on the inappropriate use of antipsychotics in nursing homes, the Boston Globe explores alternative approaches, such as llama therapy,...

10 Reasons Survivors Might Know More Medicine Than Psychiatrists

We've been discussing a potential role for psychiatrists on this site, and I wanted some of the doctors to understand why many mental health...

Intact Facial Affect Processing in Schizophrenia

In two separate studies (one replicating the other) of 102 people with schizophrenia diagnoses researchers from McGill, UCLA, CSU, UNC, Columbia and the VA...

The “I Am Not The Butcher” Speech

On Thursday I had an interaction with a psychologist where I basically said, "I am not sure I want to attend a workshop you...

Life for Psychiatrists after Reading Bob Whitaker: Let’s Take Back Substance Abuse Treatment

An astounding development is the explosion in the numbers of substance abusers being diagnosed with Bipolar. I teach a class in Substance Abuse at...