Psychosocial Adversities Should be Included in Diagnosis

Proposal to include psychosocial adversities that impact mental health in ICD and DSM diagnoses.

Police Killings Vicariously Impact Mental Health of Black Americans

New research provides evidence that police killings of unarmed Black Americans impact the mental health of Black Americans.

Majority of Counselors Lack Training to Treat Racial Trauma, Study Finds

The percentage of clients who have experienced racial trauma far exceeds the percentage of counselors who are trained to identify and treat it.

Backsliding in the Bay State

The drumbeat for more "Risk Management" just gets louder. And nowhere is this so alarmingly evident as a new policy proposed by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health (DMH) in November 2012.

Those at High Risk for Psychosis More Likely From Deprived Neighborhoods

A recent study published in Schizophrenia Research examines the incidence individuals deemed ā€œUltra High-Riskā€ (UHR) for psychosis and their neighborhood of residence
suicide silhouette

Deadly Serious: Talking Openly About Suicide

The suicide crisis is real. The pain is real. The deaths are real. None of us can afford to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that this isn't happening. But the helplessness and confusion about what to do about it are also real. And that's why peer relationships and peer-developed modalities can be so helpful. Many of us have been there and are still alive to talk about it. We know what ways of relating gave us hope and helped us to continue on.

United Nations Report Calls for Revolution in Mental Health Care

In a new report, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to health, Dr. Dainius PÅ«ras, calls for a move away from the biomedical model and ā€œexcessive use of psychotropic medicines.ā€

Therapists Are Using Dungeons & Dragons to Help Kids

FromĀ Kotaku: Therapists across the country are running Dungeons & Dragons therapy groups to help socially isolated kids open up by participating in role-playing games. "There...

Maladaptive Beliefs and Bipolar Disorder

Researchers in Denmark found, in a study of 49 remitted bipolar patients published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, that beliefs...

ā€œThe City Where Residents Have Been Taking Mentally Ill People Into Their Homes for...

The UKā€™s Independent reports on the Belgium city of Geel, where local families have welcomed people with mental health issues into their homes as boarders since the 14th century.

Vermont Moves to Community Care After Hurricane Destroys State Hospital

Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin "is going to use this tragedy of losing our State Hospital during (hurricane) Irene as an opportunity to deliver the...

Pro-LGBT Policies Reduce Teen Suicide

A study demonstrates a 7% reduction in suicide attempts for teens in states that had legalized same-sex marriage.

Many Patient Advocacy Organizations Are Funded By Industry

New research investigates the financial conflicts of interest (FCOI) of patient advocacy organizations (PAOs) in the United States.

Can Trump’s Disability Czar Be Trusted?

FromĀ Pacific Standard: Melissa Ortiz, President Trump's appointee for Commissioner of the Administration on Disabilities, is a vocal critic of federal programs for disability. The...

Loneliness as Lethal: Researchers Name Social Isolation a ā€˜Public Health Threatā€™

Researchers present loneliness as a health threat facing a growing number of Americans.

3 Women Tell Us What It’s Really Like to Live With Schizophrenia

FromĀ Refinery29: Three women who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia share their stories of experiencing psychosis, recovery, and dealing with societal prejudice against people with...

Psychologists Argue for Decolonial Approach to Global Poverty

Individualist psychological models of poverty pathologize poor communities, decolonial approaches that emphasize context and interdependence may be more sustainable.

How entrepreneurial thinking can improve mental health advocacy

I've been working on starting a business that can use market forces to create benefit for our communities.Ā This is called social entrepreneurship. Different models...

Pets Play Central Role in Management of Mental Health Problems

Individuals with long-term mental health conditions identify pets as valuable supports in their daily lives.

Feminist Retirement Home in Paris Celebrates Aging

FromĀ Girl Talk HQ: A new feminist retirement home in Paris has been built to celebrate aging and counter the societal narrative that growing oldĀ is...

Guiding Voices, Trauma-Induced Voices

I have facilitated support groups and worked one-on-one with those who hear voices for nearly 10 years.. The insights I've come to from my own experience have often facilitated understanding for others. Here is what I have learned from my experience of hearing voices.

Critical Psychologist On How Scientific Research Can Influence Public Policy

Critical participatory action research conducted on the higher education programs offered in prison leads to mobilized advocacy and shifts in public policy.

Psychological Research Suggests Systemic Interventions to Tackle Racism

A new special edition positions psychological science as offering valuable contributions to the study of contemporary racism.

Minimal Exercise Protects Against Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults

Study of older adults shows those who consistently exercised as little as 15 minutes, 3 times/week are less likely to develop depressive symptoms.

Many Ears Make Light Listening

When we share our stories publicly, whether in speaking, writing, or another art form, we acknowledge we are part of something bigger. We are aware we aren't the only ones who have been abused or witnessed abuse, or who are scared to let go of our ancestral shame and fear. We are, rather, part of an entire generation, an entire society that is moving away from silence, blame and abuse. In sharing our stories, we instantly recover from a big hunk of loneliness, loneliness that might not be so easily resolved sitting in a room across from a professional, with a few non-offensive art pieces on the walls. We acknowledge that every single one of us who experiences physical or emotional symptoms is holding onto things for others, in our bodies, and together, word by word, we can break free.