Continuity of Social Groups Helps Prevent Postpartum Depression

Mothers’ loss of group membership impacts their social identity and linked to postpartum depression.

“A Poor Brain is as Worthy as a Rich Brain: Psychotherapy’s Privilege Problem”

“Researchers argue poor communities and communities of colour face an inordinate amount of suffering and trauma, by virtue of their positioning at the very...

Psychologist Debunks Common Misconceptions of Maslow’s Hierarchy

Utilizing Maslow’s published books and essays, psychologist William Compton delineates common myths and attempts to respond to them.

When Does it Help to Have Background Information in Child-Centered Play Therapy?

Knowing the client’s history can help foster genuine empathic responding, a key component to child-centered play therapy.

It Feels Better to be Allowed to Feel Bad

Today discusses a new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology that found people with low self-esteem don’t like it when...

Meditation and Exercise Reduce Depression Symptoms 40%

A combination of exercise and meditation done twice a week over two months may reduce depression symptoms by 40 percent, according to a new study published open-access this month in Translational Psychiatry. Following the eight-week intervention, the student participants that had previously been diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) reported significantly less symptoms and ruminative thoughts and students without any such diagnoses also showed remarkable improvements.

Neuroscience-based Treatment Program Proposed for Adolescent Depression

A study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience proposes a new model for the treatment of adolescents diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD).

The Psychedelic Renaissance is Here. Will it Last This Time?

From Massive: Increasing evidence suggests that psychedelics may revolutionize mental health care. In order for this "psychedelic renaissance" to last, scientists and citizens will need...

Study Identifies Benefits and Drawbacks of E-Mental Health

Study suggests that clinicians believe that rewards outweigh risks for using e-mental health resources in therapy.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Halves the Risk of Repeated Suicide Attempts

A new study suggests that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) may halve the likelihood of re-attempting suicide, for those who have attempted in the past.

Interview With Black Lives Matter Cofounder Patrisse Khan-Cullors

In this interview for Vice, Black Lives Matter cofounder Patrisse Khan-Cullors discusses her efforts to fight for the civil rights of marginalized communities and to speak...

Arts Participation May Improve Mental Well-Being and Social Inclusion

Introductory arts courses at Open Arts Essex show improvements in mental well-being and social inclusion for individuals with mental health challenges.

Study Finds Parents Need More Support to Identify PTSD in Children

A new study, published in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, investigates the presence of posttraumatic stress symptomatology in children involved in motor vehicle collisions...