Despite Official Recommendations, Young Children Are Still Receiving Drugs Instead of Therapy for ā€˜ADHDā€™

In 2011 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued guidelines recommending therapy over stimulant drugs as the primary treatment for children diagnosed with ā€˜ADHD.ā€™ New research from the CDC reveals, however, that children between ages 2 and 5 are still being prescribed medications before receiving the recommended therapy or psychological services. Overall, the researchers found that 75% of these children are being prescribed ā€œADHDā€™ drugs while no more than 55% receive psychological treatments. Incredibly, among children on private insurances, the percentage of children receiving psychological services for ā€˜ADHDā€™ showed no increase following the 2011 recommendations.

Mental Health Service Usersā€™ Perspectives on Family-Focused Recovery

Study explores a multifaceted approach to promote family-focused recovery practice.

SSRIs Can Impair New Learning About Anxiety

Researchers from Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute test the behavioral effects of SSRIs on Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats, and...

Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal and Protracted Withdrawal Syndrome Round-up

Beyond Meds has numerous resources on the topic of psychiatric drug withdrawal and is aĀ starting point for withdrawal information on the web.

Parental Conflict Changes Emotion Recognition in Children, Study Finds

Study suggests interparental conflict causes lasting damage in the way children are able to recognize and process emotions.

ā€œReducing Future Suicide Attempts by Forging Connectionā€

A newĀ study published Tuesday inĀ PLOS Medicine may offer evidence for an intervention for people who have already been hospitalized for a suicide attempt.Ā  The...

Youth-Nominated Social Support Reduces Mortality for Suicidal Adolescents

The Youth-Nominated Support Team intervention invites adolescents to select adults in their life to receive training on how to support them.

“Are All Psychological Therapies Equally Effective? Don’t Ask the Dodo”

The Guardian reviews the hypothesis that all therapies are equal, in light of recent evidence, finding that ". . .Ā we shouldn't assume that the...

Research Finds Parentsā€™ Trauma May Impact Childrenā€™s Health

Study uncovers some of the intergenerational consequences of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).

ā€œHow Should You Grieve?ā€

Andrea Volpe, for Mosaic Science, explores the condition of complicated grief and how new approaches to therapy are treating it. Article ā†’

ā€œPrograms Expand Schizophrenic Patientsā€™ Role in Their Own Careā€

Benedict Carey at the New York Times covers the push for new programs that emphasize supportive services, therapy, school and work assistance, and family education, rather than simply drug treatment.

Dealing With Changes in Psychiatry Through the Years

In this guest post forĀ Shrink Rap, Dr. Maher critiques the ways psychiatry has changed over the years. While psychiatryĀ used to be humanistically, psychodynamically oriented,...

Barriers to Engaging in Self-Help CBT for Voice Hearing

Individuals with lived experience and clinicians share about barriers and facilitators to guided self-help CBT for voice hearing.

How Therapists Can Grow Beyond Cultural Competence

FromĀ Cultural competence is the standard set by the mental health profession that deems therapists capable of providing services toĀ clients from diverse backgrounds. However,...

Schizophrenia’s Tangled Roots

FromĀ Sapiens: Researchers are increasingly recognizing the role that social and environmental factors, including childhood abuse, stressful events, and poverty, play in the development of...

International Psychologists To Host Public Webinar on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

The Society for International Psychology, Division 52 of the American Psychological Association, will host a webinar entitled ā€œThe Humanistic, Vigorous and Universal Approach of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.ā€

More Students Than Ever Suffer Mental Ill Health

FromĀ The Guardian: The number of children and young adultsĀ experiencing mental health problems is rapidly rising. More than ever, young people are growing up in...

Late Night Snack – Shrink: Sarah Silverman

In this video, comedian Sarah Silverman recounts her journey with mental health treatment and discusses how therapy has helped her.

ā€œBullied Children Need Support Not Antidepressantsā€

Nick Harrop, a campaignĀ manager atĀ YoungMinds, supporting young peopleā€™s mental health and wellbeing, said antidepressants for children should never be the only course of action....

Neuroscience-based Treatment Program Proposed for Adolescent Depression

A study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience proposes a new model for the treatment of adolescents diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD).

Mindfulness Therapy Can Prevent Depression Relapse, Review Finds

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) may be more effective at reducing the risk of depressive relapse compared to current standard treatments with antidepressant drugs. A...

Four-Part Series on Drug Abuse, Trauma, and How to Heal It

In this four-part seriesĀ on drug abuse and trauma,Ā Parents Opposed to PotĀ provides an overview of the impact of adverse childhood experiences, how they persist, and...

Expanding Mental Health Care Beyond Adding More Psychiatrists

FromĀ STAT: Although many people believe that we need to train more psychiatrists in order to increase access to mental health care, there is no...

Antidepressants Not Superior to Psychotherapy for Severe Depression

On Wednesday, JAMA Psychiatry released a meta-analysis comparing the results of cognitive-behavioral therapy and antidepressant medication in severely depressed populations. Currently, many practice guidelines suggest that antidepressants be used over psychotherapy for major depressive disorder. The analysis, however, found that ā€œpatients with more severe depression were no more likely to require medications to improve than patients with less severe depression.ā€

The Power Threat Meaning Framework One Year On

The team that developed the Power Threat Meaning framework as a diagnostic alternative reflects on the response to the framework after one year.