Tristano Ajmone – Short Bio
Tristano Ajmone is a libertarian psychiatric survivor, much influenced by Thomas Szasz’s writings and friendship. Tristano doesn’t believe in the existence of mental illness,...
Janet Foner – Short Bio
Janet Foner has been the International Liberation Reference Person for Mental Health Liberation for the global Re-evaluation Counseling community since 1992. She is also...
Michael Cornwall – Short Bio
An Alternative Understanding of The Nature of Madness: Dr. Cornwall wants this blog to help deepen our understanding of the mystery of madness and help us...
Kirk Schneider – Op-Ed Bio
Kirk J. Schneider, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and leading spokesperson for contemporary existential-humanistic psychology. Dr. Schneider is the past editor of the Journal...
Art Levine – Short Bio
Art Levine is a contributing editor of The Washington Monthly, a recent Alicia Patterson Foundation Fellow and a former Fellow with the Progressive Policy Institute....
Brenda Vezina – Short Bio
Under Brenda's leadership, the Central MA Recovery Learning Community offers trainings on trauma-informed care, health and wellness, and professionalism in the peer workforce. A licensed...
Giuseppe Tibaldi, MD – Short Bio
Evidence-Based Hope: An Italian psychiatrist, Giuseppe Tibaldi writes about “personal” accounts of recovery, gathered over the last decade. He is launching an international initiative for...
Val Marsh, MSW – Short Bio
Valerie L. Marsh, MSW, is Executive Director of the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery (NCMHR). Marsh received both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social...
Mark Radcliffe — Op-ed Bio
Mark A. Radcliffe is the author of two novels; Gabriel's Angel (2010) and Stranger Than Kindness (2013), he is a long term columnist in...
Lauren Spiro – Short Bio
Mental Health Liberation: Lauren facilitates trainings and Dialogues of Discovery, inspired by her recently published memoir, Living for Two: A Daughter’s Journey From Grief and Madness to...
Suzanne Beachy – Short Bio
Suzanne Beachy is a mother, musician, writer, and activist, who advocates for more recovery-oriented approaches to treating the kind of mental/emotional distress which gets...
Tina Minkowitz – Short Bio
Mad Law and Human Rights: An attorney and psychiatric survivor, Tina Minkowitz writes on the new perspectives in human rights law that emerged in...
Phil Borges – Op-Ed Bio
For more than 25 years, Phil has been documenting indigenous and tribal cultures, striving to create an understanding of the challenges they face. His...
Timothy N. – Short Bio
Timothy N. is a Team Counselor with Windhorse Integrative Mental Health, and he co-facilitates an Unusual Beliefs group and a Hearing Voices group. He recently...
Julie Leonovs – Op-Ed Bio
After a masters in Psychological Research Methods and a degree in psychology, Julie’s main focus has now switched to the myth of psychiatric diagnosis...
Sandra Steingard – Short Bio
Anatomy of a Psychiatrist: Dr. Steingard chronicles how she is integrating information from Anatomy of an Epidemic into her community mental health practice. She also...
Tracey Libby – Short Bio
Tracey Libby specializes in the management of pain, chronic illness and mindbody health. Tracey also sees clients struggling with other life issues and transitions...
Julie Greene – Short Bio
Julie originally studied music education and composition at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and at Bennington College. In Julie's recent book, not yet...
Erik Monasterio, MD – Short Bio
Dr. Monasterio is a psychiatrist and senior lecturer at the Christchurch School of Medicine. His interests include off-label use of psych meds, metabolic complications,...
Jacqui Dillon – Short Bio
The Hearing Voices Movement: Jacqui Dillon writes about the rapidly expanding, worldwide Hearing Voices movement which contests the traditional psychiatric relationship of dominant-expert clinician...
Natalie Tobert, PhD – Short Bio
Natalie Tobert is a medical anthropologist, the author of Spiritual Psychiatries, a visiting lecturer at Brighton and Sussex Medical School, and seminar facilitator in hospitals...
Elayne Clift – Op-ed bio
Elayne Clift writes about women, health, politics and social issues from Saxtons River, Vermont. She has written extensively on issues relating to mental health, women, politics,...
Barry Haslam – Short Bio
Benzodiazapine Drugs: My Story of Survival: Barry Haslam, former chairman of Oldham Tranx, writes about his campaign in the UK and Europe over the...
Vicki Martin, MD – Short Bio
Kid’s Voice: Vicki Martin, a child and adolescent psychiatrist who over 20 years became disillusioned with the mental health system, writes about developing training programs...
Jonathan Keyes – Short Bio
The Cornerstones of Mental Health: Jon Keyes is a licensed professional counselor working in private practice at Hearthside Healing in Portland Oregon. Jon...